Brain Nutrient Sensing and Cognitive Trajectory from Development to Aging (NutriMind)


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The general objective of the NutriMind team is to understand how food-derived molecules including nutrients, micronutrients, odorant molecules and bioactive metabolites from the gut microbiota influence neuroimmune interactions and neuronal networks and affect cognitive, emotional and feeding behaviors. To understand the basics of brain nutrient-sensing, we apply translational and integrative approaches ranging from in vitro human and murine iPSC-derived neurons and microglia, ex/in vivo behavioral, electrophysiological, imaging, cellular and molecular approaches using nutritional and transgenic mice models, to human clinic by the collection of dietary supplemented human cohorts including molecular, cellular and cognitive evaluations. These knowledge aim at developing nutrient-based nutritional strategies to prevent and/or delay cognitive dysfunctions in a strategy of personalized nutrition. Our main objectives are to:

  • Elucidate molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the behavioral effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and their metabolites (oxylipins, ethanolamides), vitamin A, polyphenols, fructose, odorant food-related molecules, microbiota-derived metabolites and complex food molecules
  • Depict the neurobiological mechanisms of altered feeding behaviors in the context of unbalanced nutrition
  • Depict neuroimmune interactions, microglia profile and activity in the developing and aging brain in controlled nutritional conditions
  • Define neuroprotective mechanisms of food-derived molecules on aging-associated cognitive decline in preclinical models
  • Define food-derived molecules-based strategies to prevent/delay aging-associated cognitive decline and neurodevelopmental disorders in humans

The discovery of the mechanisms underlying the detrimental or protective effect of nutrition on brain development and aging will allow : to identify new biomarkers for stratification of subjects at risk of neurodevelopmental disorders or cognitive decline; to define novel protective and therapeutic strategies including nutritional and nutrient specific interventions for personalized nutrition; to generate unbiased data for dietary recommendation for the promotion of an healthy brain development and aging; to understand how nutrients/odorant molecules contribute to the regulation of the neurobiology of food intake.

Mots clés

Selected publications

Team leader
Sophie Layé

Xavier Fioramonti

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Charlotte Madore-Delpech (Researcher)
Jean-Christophe Delpech (Researcher)
Corinne Joffre (Researcher)
David Jarriault (Researcher)
Anabelle Redonnet (University Teacher- Researcher)
Quentin Leyrolle (Enseignant-chercheur)
Véronique Pallet (University Teacher- Researcher)

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s


Liam Barry-Carroll
Aurélie Ginisty
Camille Mougin
Heena Brown
Serene Bondad


Flore Marchaland
Ivan Marniquet
Pauline Monguillon
Louise Eygret
Emie Debenay
Anaïs Taoufik
Yaeun Shim
Marina Velotto

Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)

Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC