
Symposium – Research on the biology and diseases of ageing in Bordeaux

Wednesday 13 November

Venue: Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Following the success of the 1st Symposium on the Biology and Diseases of Ageing in Bordeaux in 2023, we are pleased to announce the 2nd Symposium on this topic, which will be held this year on November 13th (9am to 6pm) in the Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

This scientific event aims at exploring the multiple facets of the biology and diseases linked to ageing, highlighting recent advances and ongoing research at the University of Bordeaux. It is aimed at researchers, doctoral students, post-doctoral students, as well as health professionals and students interested in the sciences of aging in New Aquitaine.  Through this event, we wish to strengthen collaboration between Bordeaux researchers and create synergies between the different laboratories and research teams in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, thus promoting the creation of interdisciplinary projects and the cohesion of the scientific community.

Scientific committee

The Organizing committee: Nora Abrous, Hélène Amieva, Victor Appay, Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson, Julie Dechanet Merville, Alain Pierre Gadeau, Catherine Helmer, Maël Lemoine, Olivier Mansier, isabelle Pellegrin, Hamid-Reza Rezvani, Claire Roubaud, Virginie Postal, Muriel Priault, Katie Sawai, Pierre Soubeyran

Download the program (pdf)


8h30 – Welcome

9h00-9h10 – Introduction: Jérôme Baufreton

9:10-9:40 – Invited speaker

Lida Katsimpardi (Necker – Paris) – BRAIN AGING AND BLOOD FACTORS

Chair: Nora Abrous

9:45-11:00 – Session 1 – Physiology of ageing

Chairs: Muriel Priault & Catherine Helmer

  • Sophie Layé (NutriNeuro): Nutrition and cerebral/cognitive ageing
  • Nora Abrous (Neurocentre Magendie): Adult neurogenesis and cognitive aging
  • Aude Panatier (Neurocentre Magendie): Role of astrocytes in aging
  • Victor Appay (ImmunoConcept): Immune resilience after 25 years of HIV infection
  • Pauline Henrot (CRCTB): Sarcopenia in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


11:40-12:55  – Session 2 –Ageing of vessels and cancer

Chairs: Katie Sawai & Pierre Soubeyran

  • Ami Tsuchida (GIN) and Emeline Ribot (CRMSB): Imaging Small Vessel Diseases: from human to mice
  • Sara Cristina Lima Rebouças (BPH): Retinal biomarkers of cerebral small vessel disease
  • Olivier Mansier (BMC): Evaluation of epigenetic age as a new biomarker of complications in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.
  • Camille Chakiba (BRIC): Expectations and priorities of elderly older patients with cancer: the PRIORITY multicenter cohort study
  • Delphine Fessart (BRIC): Cellular Senescence and Cancer: Exploring the Role of AGR2

// LUNCH //

14:10-15:00 –  Keynote lecture

Tamàs Fülöp (Sherbrooke – Canada) – Is ageing an illness? Resilience – Adaptive function

Chair: Maël Lemoine

15:00-16:25 – Session 3 – Cognitive functions and memory

Chairs: Hélène Amieva & Claire Roubaud

  • Virginie Postal (LabPsy): Concepts and Paradigms Related to Adaptability and Flexibility in Aging in Experimental Psychology
  • Nicole Etchamendy (Neurocentre Magendie): A new task to measure episodic memory in Human
  • Gwenaëlle Catheline (INCIA): Heterogeneity of brain aging: neuroimaging and daily life factors
  • Jacques Taillard (SANPSY): Sleep pattern, aging and age-related cognitive deficits
  • Ernesto Sanz-Arigita (INCIA): Cognitive Predictors of Dementia through Machine Learning
  • Alex Chanteclair (CHU/SANPSY): Digital health interventions and aging population: indications, acceptability and perspectives


17:00-18:05 – Session 4 – Biomarkers

Chairs: Isabelle Pellegrin & Hamid Rezvani

  • Muriel Priault (IBGC): Protein deamidation as a biomarker of aging: evidence and limitations
  • Sophie Lefèvre-Arbogast (BPH): Metabolomics, exposomics and brain aging
  • Isabelle Bourdel Marchasson (CRMSB): Multiparametric muscle/brain NMR imaging of frailty and sarcopenia
  • Pauline Saint Charles (ImmunoConcept): Biomarkers of vaccine responsiveness in older people
  • Clara Toussaint (ImmunoConcept): Is Alzheimer’s disease specific to humans?

18:05 – Conclusion

Chair: Victor Appay



(Registration is free but mandatory)




Publication: 25/09/24
Mise à jour: 25/09/24