Mathieu Wolff
Chef d'équipe
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INCIA - Hôpital Charles Perrens - Bâtiment "Les Tulipes" - Université de Bordeaux - 146 rue Léo Saignat - 33076 Bordeaux

Adaptive Responding to Stimulus–Outcome Associations Requires Noradrenergic Transmission in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex
J. Neurosci.. 2024-04-29. 44(22) : e0078242024.
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Inhibition of noradrenergic signaling in rodent orbitofrontal cortex impairs the updating of goal-directed actions
eLife. 2023-02-20. 12
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The mediodorsal thalamus supports adaptive responding based on stimulus-outcome associations
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A thalamic bridge from sensory perception to cognition
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2020-11-01.
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The reuniens and rhomboid nuclei are necessary for contextual fear memory persistence in rats
Brain Struct Funct. 2020-03-07.
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Targeting Reciprocally Connected Brain Regions Through CAV-2 Mediated Interventions
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Vitamin A deficiency impairs contextual fear memory in rats: Abnormalities in the glucocorticoid pathway
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A thalamocortical circuit for updating action-outcome associations
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The Cognitive Thalamus as a Gateway to Mental Representations
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Thalamocortical and corticothalamic pathways differentially contribute to goal-directed behaviors in the rat
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Insular and Ventrolateral Orbitofrontal Cortices Differentially Contribute to Goal-Directed Behavior in Rodents.
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Parallel inputs from the mediodorsal thalamus to the prefrontal cortex in the rat
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Mediodorsal but not anterior thalamic nuclei lesions impair acquisition of a conditional discrimination task
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Anterior thalamic nuclei lesions and recovery of function: Relevance to cognitive thalamus
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Functional heterogeneity of the limbic thalamus: From hippocampal to cortical functions
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Impaired spatial working memory after anterior thalamic lesions: recovery with cerebrolysin and enrichment.
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Dissociable effects of anterior and mediodorsal thalamic lesions on spatial goal-directed behavior
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Reduced cytochrome oxidase activity in the retrosplenial cortex after lesions to the anterior thalamic nuclei.
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A role for anterior thalamic nuclei in affective cognition: Interaction with environmental conditions
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Lesions of the anterior thalamic nuclei and intralaminar thalamic nuclei: place and visual discrimination learning in the water maze
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Extinction of Spatial Memory Alters CREB Phosphorylation in Hippocampal CA1
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Hyperfunction of Muscarinic Receptor Maintains Long-Term Memory in 5-HT4 Receptor Knock-Out Mice
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The Intralaminar Thalamic Nuclei Contribute to Remote Spatial Memory
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The Extended Hippocampal-Diencephalic Memory System: Enriched Housing Promotes Recovery of the Flexible Use of Spatial Representations After Anterior Thalamic Lesions
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Reflections on the use of the concept of plasticity in neurobiology – Translation and adaptation by Bruno Will, John Dalrymple-Alford, Mathieu Wolff and Jean-Christophe Cassel from J. Paillard, J psychol 1976;1 : 33-47
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The concept of brain plasticity–Paillard’s systemic analysis and emphasis on structure and function (followed by the translation of a seminal paper by Paillard on plasticity).
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Anterior but not intralaminar thalamic nuclei support allocentric spatial memory
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Towards therapy to relieve memory impairment after anterior thalamic lesions: improved spatial working memory after immediate and delayed postoperative enrichment
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Odour-place paired-associate learning and limbic thalamus: Comparison of anterior, lateral and medial thalamic lesions
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Beyond spatial memory: The anterior thalamus and memory for the temporal order of a sequence of odor cues
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Age-dependent effects of serotonin-1A receptor gene deletion in spatial learning abilities in mice
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Interaction between the nature of the information and the cognitive requirement of the task in problem solving in mice
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Spatial learning in the 5-HT1B receptor knockout mouse: Selective facilitation/impairment depending on the cognitive demand
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Serotoninergic receptor subtypes in cognition
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Delay-dependent working memory impairment in young-adult and aged 5-HT1BKO mice as assessed in a radial-arm water maze
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Protective effect of 5-HT1B receptor gene deletion on the age-related decline in spatial learning abilities in mice
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Serotonin 1B knockout mice exhibit a task-dependent selective learning facilitation
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Differential learning abilities of 129T2/Sv and C57BL/6J mice as assessed in three water maze protocols
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