Jean-Arthur Micoulaud Franchi
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Symptom network analysis of prefrontal seizures
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Orexin and Insomnia: Rethinking the Narrative
Journal of Sleep Research. 2025-03-18.
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Introducing Perceived Causal Networks in Sleep Medicine
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Exploring the interplay of clinical reasoning and artificial intelligence in psychiatry: Current insights and future directions
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La domestication de la sémiologie : proposition d’une organisation graphique du thesaurus semeioticus psychiatrique chez l’adulte
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Proposing a Definition for Sleep Disorders: An Epistemological Review
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Dépister les troubles du sommeil en médecine interne comme potentielles comorbidités des maladies auto-immunes systémiques et améliorer la qualité de vie des patients
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Clozapine and objective assessment of hypersomnolence in patients with schizophrenia: a systematic review
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Predictors of driving risk in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome treated by continuous positive airway pressure: a French multicenter prospective cohort
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Disappearance and dissemination of sleep symptoms: the importance of sleep medicine expertise for psychiatry. A comment on Forbes et al.
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Predictors of driving risk in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome treated by continuous positive airway pressure: a French multicenter prospective cohort.
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Perceptions and Effectiveness of a Fully-Automated Brief Behavioral Insomnia Therapy, Delivered by a Virtual Companion, in Older and Young Adults
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Accepting multiple conditions in psychiatry: From comorbidity to multimorbidity.
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Predictors of substance use during treatment for addiction: A network analysis of ecological momentary assessment data
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Les multiples enjeux de la sémiologie du syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil chez l’adulte
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Sleep Health Analysis Through Sleep Symptoms in 35,808 Individuals Across Age and Sex Differences: Comparative Symptom Network Study
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Validation of the French version of the Munich ChronoType questionnaire and associations between chronotype and physiological parameters.
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Why circadian rhythmicity matters: associations between sleep irregularity and mental health conditions during the Covid-19 health crisis
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The Praecox Feeling: Presentation and epistemological aspects,Le Praecox Feeling : présentation historique du concept et aspects épistémologiques
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Associations between Sleep Hygiene and Mental Complaints in a French Healthcare Worker Population during the COVID-19 Crisis: A Cross-Sectional Analysis to Personalize Sleep Health Interventions
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Objective evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness
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La santé du sommeil : une approche multi-dimensionnelle au service de la prévention et de la santé globale des populations
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Toward an electroclinical approach for neurophysiological hypersomnolence in sleep medicine
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Resective epilepsy surgery and its impact on depression in adults: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and implications for future research
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Analyse de contenu des questionnaires sur le syndrome d’apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) : un atout pour diversifier les phénotypes cliniques ?
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Continuités historiques en psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent : le rôle de la sémiologie
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Symptom content analysis of OSA questionnaires: time to identify and improve relevance of diversity of OSA symptoms?
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Eco-anxiety: An adaptive behavior or a mental disorder? Results of a psychometric study
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How to evaluate eco-anxiety and the impact on sleep-health? Results of a psychometric study on a representative sample of the adult French population
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Symptom network analysis and comparison of the sleep disorders diagnostic criteria based on the ICSD-3 and the DSM-5 diagnostic manuals
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Systematic item content and overlap analysis of self-reported generic and specific sleep disorders screening questionnaires in adults
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Better characterizing sleep beliefs for personalized sleep health promotion: the French sleep beliefs scale validation study
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The screening and management of sleep disturbances in people living with HIV: Delphi consensus
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Sleep timing, workplace well-being and mental health in healthcare workers.
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Sleep timing, workplace well-being and mental health in healthcare workers
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Content Analysis of Insomnia Questionnaires: A Step to Better Evaluate the Complex and Multifaceted Construct of Insomnia Disorder
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Poor sleep is associated with work environment among 10,087 French healthcare workers: Results from a nationwide survey
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Predictors of users’ adherence to a fully automated digital intervention to manage insomnia complaints
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Determinants of Dropout from a Virtual-Agent Based App for Insomnia Management: An Analysis in a Longitudinal, Self-Selected Sample of Users with Insomnia Symptoms (Preprint)
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Dental sleep medicine education among undergraduate dental students in France
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From improved sleep regularity to reduced sleep complaints and mental health conditions: A population-based interventional study using a smartphone-based virtual agent.
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The centrality of craving in network analysis of five substance use disorders.
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Study of the association between cannabis use and sleep disturbances in a large sample of University students
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Networked vision of epilepsy and mental symptoms: Proposal for a “city map of traffic lights”
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Revue systématique des études de fiabilité des critères diagnostiques des troubles du sommeil et de l’éveil
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Qu’est-ce que la communauté scientifique associe au terme « somnolence » ? Une première analyse sémantique automatisée
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Que nous disent les outils de mesure sur la somnolence chez l’adulte ?
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Impact de l’âge et du sexe sur les réseaux de symptômes du sommeil sur 35 808 sujets du « Réseau Morphée »
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Effet de l’obstruction nasale évaluée par le score NOSE sur le choix du masque de PPC
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Analyse de contenu des auto-questionnaires génériques de dépistage des troubles du sommeil chez les adultes
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Emotional Exhaustion, a Proxy for Burnout, Is Associated with Sleep Health in French Healthcare Workers without Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study
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The Bordeaux Sleepiness Scale (BOSS): a new questionnaire to measure sleep-related driving risk
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Sleepiness in adults: An umbrella review of a complex construct
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Environmental psychiatry: A proposed framework to address the global mental health burden
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What do measurement tools tell us about sleepiness and hypersomnolence in adults? Historical approaches and future prospects.
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La santé du sommeil en psychiatrie : à la croisée de la physiologie et de la santé publique
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Efficacy of a Smartphone-Based Virtual Companion to Treat Insomniac Complaints in the General Population: Sleep Diary Monitoring Versus an Internet Autonomous Intervention
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A Systematic Review of Sleep-Wake Disorder Diagnostic Criteria Reliability Studies
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An Ultra-Short Measure of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Is Related to Circadian Biological Rhythms: The French Psychometric Validation of the Barcelona Sleepiness Index
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Validation of the French Cues to CPAP Use Questionnaire in patients with OSAS: A step forward for evaluating cues to CPAP use in order to predict treatment adherence
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Popular and Scientific Discourse on Autism: Representational Cross-Cultural Analysis of Epistemic Communities to Inform Policy and Practice
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How Does Comparison With Artificial Intelligence Shed Light on the Way Clinicians Reason? A Cross-Talk Perspective
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Circadian misalignment is associated with Covid-19 infection
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Introduction to the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology
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Why could sleep medicine never do without polysomnography?
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Emotion coping strategies and dysfunctional sleep-related beliefs are associated with objective sleep problems in young adults with insomnia
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Toward a multi-lingual diagnostic tool for the worldwide problem of sleep health: The French RU-SATED validation
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Symptom network analysis of anxiety and depression in epilepsy
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Why do sleep disorders belong to mental disorder classifications? A network analysis of the « Sleep-Wake Disorders » section of the DSM-5
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Factors associated with the acceptance of a virtual companion providing screening and advices for sleep problems during COVID-19 crisis
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Symptom network analysis of the sleep disorders diagnostic criteria based on the clinical text of the ICSD-3
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Efficacy and safety of topiramate for reducing impulsivity: A transdiagnostic systematic review and meta‐analysis of a common clinical use
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Sleep deprivation therapy to reset the circadian pacemaker in a non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder: a case report
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Self-perceived sleep during the Maintenance of Wakefulness Test: how does it predict accidental risk in patients with sleep disorders?
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Sleep bruxism pulled between two worlds
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A systematic analysis of ICSD-3 diagnostic criteria and proposal for further structured iteration
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The three cultures of computational psychiatry
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Personalized Medicine for OSA Syndrome in a Nutshell Conceptual Clarification for Integration
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French translation of three contemporary key texts on new classification proposals in psychiatry: RDoC, HiTOP and network approach to psychopathology
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Maintenance of wakefulness test: how does it predict accident risk in patients with sleep disorders?
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De l’omelette de Condorcet à la nécessaire collaboration entre disciplines scientifiques à l’ère de la COVID-19
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Guidelines for the design of a virtual patient for psychiatric interview training
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Éléments pour une histoire de l’électricité et du cerveau en psychiatrie. Naissance et développement de la stimulation et de l’enregistrement électrique en neurophysiologie (Partie I)
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Potentiels évoqués cognitifs en psychiatrie
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Element for a history of electricity and brain in psychiatry. Beginning and development of electrical brain stimulation and electrical brain recording (First part) | Éléments pour une histoire de l’électricité et du cerveau en psychiatrie. Naissance et développement de la stimulation et de l’enregistrement électrique en neurophysiologie (Partie I)
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Element for a history of electricity and brain in psychiatry. Psychiatric therapeutic applications of external electrical brain stimulation and electrical brain recording (Part II) | Éléments pour une histoire de l’électricité et du cerveau en psychiatrie. Applications thérapeutiques de la stimulation externe et de l’enregistrement électrique en psychiatrie (Partie II)
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Event related potentials (ERP’s) in psychiatry | Potentiels évoqués cognitifs en psychiatrie
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Clinical neurophysiology in psychiatry: 1 – Techniques, vocabularies and indications of conventional electroencephalogram | Neurophysiologie clinique en psychiatrie : 1 – Techniques, vocabulaires et indications de l’électroencéphalographie conventionnelle
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Combining Neurophysiological and Functional Neuroimaging Biomarkers to Predict rTMS Non-Response in Depression
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Combining neurophysiological and functional neuroimaging biomarkers to predict rTMS non-response in depression
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Électrophysiologie et vulnérabilité schizophrénique : la composante N400 comme endophénotype candidat ?
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L’accès aux vécus pré-réflexifs. Quelles perspectives pour la médecine en général et la psychiatrie en particulier ?
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What is sensory inundation in schizophrenia?
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How to access to pre-reflexive experience? Potential contributions to medicine and psychiatry | L’accès aux vécus pré-réflexifs. Quelles perspectives pour la médecine en général et la psychiatrie en particulier ?
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Toward an exploration of feeling of strangeness in schizophrenia: Perspectives on acousmatic and everyday listening.
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Vers une nouvelle déclinaison de la neurophysiologie clinique en psychiatrie : le neurofeedback par imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle appliqué aux dysfonctions des processus émotionnels
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Towards a new approach of neurophysiology in clinical psychiatry: Functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback applied to emotional dysfunctions | Vers une nouvelle déclinaison de la neurophysiologie clinique en psychiatrie : le neurofeedback par imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle appliqué aux dysfonctions des processus émotionnels
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Parieto-temporal alpha EEG band power at baseline as a predictor of antidepressant treatment response with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A preliminary study
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One step more toward new therapeutic options in brain stimulation: two models of EEG-based rTMS—from “EEG-contingent rTMS” to “EEG-biofeedback rTMS”
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Neurofeedback for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: From efficacy to neurophysiology specificity effect | Neurofeedback dans le trouble déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité de l’efficacité à la spécificité de l’effet neurophysiologique
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One step more toward new therapeutic options in brain stimulation: Two models of EEG-based rTMS – From « eEG-contingent rTMS » to « eEG-biofeedback rTMS »
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