Gaël Jobard
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IMN - UMR 5293 - CNRS/Université de Bordeaux - Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine – 3e étage - 146 rue Léo-Saignat- CS 61292 – Case 28 - 33076 Bordeaux cedex - France

GINNA, a 33 resting-state networks atlas with meta-analytic decoding-based cognitive characterization
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Norms of vocabulary, reading, and spelling tests in French university students
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Word Meaning Contributes to Free Recall Performance in Supraspan Verbal List-Learning Tests
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A SENtence Supramodal Areas AtlaS (SENSAAS) based on multiple task-induced activation mapping and graph analysis of intrinsic connectivity in 144 healthy right-handers
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Neuroimaging supports the representational nature of the earliest human engravings
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Brain areas commonly activated and asymmetrical in production, listening and reading tasks at the word level: an fMRI study of 144 right-handers.
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FALCON: a Functional Atlas of Language COmprehension Networks based on multiple task-induced activation mapping and graph analysis of intrinsic connectivity in 137 healthy right-handers
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A probabilistic atlas of the human pyramidal tract in 410 healthy participants
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BIL&GIN: A neuroimaging, cognitive, behavioral, and genetic database for the study of human brain lateralization.
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AICHA: An atlas of intrinsic connectivity of homotopic areas
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Between-hand difference in ipsilateral deactivation is associated with hand lateralization: fMRI mapping of 284 volunteers balanced for handedness
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Weak language lateralization affects both verbal and spatial skills: An fMRI study in 297 subjects
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Strong rightward lateralization of the dorsal attentional network in left-handers with right sighting-eye: An evolutionary advantage
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Gaussian Mixture Modeling of Hemispheric Lateralization for Language in a Large Sample of Healthy Individuals Balanced for Handedness
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Heschl’s gyrification pattern is related to speech-listening hemispheric lateralization: FMRI investigation in 281 healthy volunteers
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Heschl’s gyrification pattern is related to speech-listening hemispheric lateralization: FMRI investigation in 281 healthy volunteers
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Heschl’s gyrification pattern is related to speech-listening hemispheric lateralization: FMRI investigation in 281 healthy volunteers
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Heschl’s gyrification pattern is related to speech-listening hemispheric lateralization: FMRI investigation in 281 healthy volunteers
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Descriptive anatomy of Heschl’s gyri in 430 healthy volunteers, including 198 left-handers
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Descriptive anatomy of Heschl’s gyri in 430 healthy volunteers, including 198 left-handers
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Relationships between hand laterality and verbal and spatial skills in 436 healthy adults balanced for handedness
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A Shared Neural Substrate for Mentalizing and the Affective Component of Sentence Comprehension
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A novel group ICA approach based on multi-scale individual component clustering. application to a large sample of fMRI data
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Patterns of hemodynamic low-frequency oscillations in the brain are modulated by the nature of free thought during rest
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Brain activity at rest: A multiscale hierarchical functional organization
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What is right-hemisphere contribution to phonological, lexico-semantic, and sentence processing? Insights from a meta-analysis
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A common neural system is activated in hearing non-signers to process French Sign language and spoken French
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Left hemisphere lateralization for language in right-handers is controlled in part by familial sinistrality, manual preference strength, and head size
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The neural correlates of highly iconic structures and topographic discourse in French Sign Language as observed in six hearing native signers
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Expertise with characters in alphabetic and nonalphabetic writing systems engage overlapping occipito-temporal areas
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Seeing the forest before the trees depends on individual field-dependency characteristics
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Impact of modality and linguistic complexity during reading and listening tasks
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Word and non-word reading: What role for the Visual Word Form Area?
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