Anna Beyeler
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Classical psychedelics’ action on brain monoaminergic systems
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Planar cell polarity proteins mediate ketamine-induced restoration of glutamatergic synapses in prefrontal cortical neurons in a mouse model for chronic stress
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Perspectives on existing and emerging scientific career models in neuroscience
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How an anxious heart talks to the brain
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Thalamus sends information about arousal but not valence to the amygdala
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Neurotensin orchestrates valence assignment in the amygdala
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State of the art imaging of neurotransmission in animal models
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Cannabinoids regulate an insula circuit controlling water intake
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Astroglial ER-mitochondria calcium transfer mediates endocannabinoid-dependent synaptic integration
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Linking emotional valence and anxiety in a mouse insula-amygdala circuit
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A new player in neural circuits of emotions
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Probing the polarity of spontaneous perisomatic GABAergic synaptic transmission in the mouse CA3 circuit in vivo.
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Multiple facets of serotonergic modulation.
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A Novel Cortical Mechanism for Top-Down Control of Water Intake.
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Expression of serotonin 1A and 2A receptors in molecular- and projection-defined neurons of the mouse insular cortex
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Neuronal diversity of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
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Neurobiological links between stress and anxiety
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Top-down control of water intake by the endocannabinoid system
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Valence coding in amygdala circuits
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Corticoamygdala Transfer of Socially Derived Information Gates Observational Learning
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Nontoxic, double-deletion-mutant rabies viral vectors for retrograde targeting of projection neurons
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Organization of Valence-Encoding and Projection-Defined Neurons in the Basolateral Amygdala
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Amygdala inputs to prefrontal cortex guide behavior amid conflicting cues of reward and punishment
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Deciphering memory function with optogenetics
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