ReproducibiliTea in Bordeaux: another successful year!
ReproducibiliTea is a worldwide Open Science (OS) initiative spread to 138 institutions in 26 countries. It came to Bordeaux in January 2021. Now, after two full years of great sessions covering various topics, with participants from various countries, we really feel like it was a great ride and a successful journey! In this article, we would like to return to some of the highlights from 2022 and send a big thank you to our community.
What are some of the highlights from 2022?
The main highlight would be the broad and encompassing nature of our sessions. They span topics such as the benefits of Registered Reports, involvement with Citizen Science, ways to improve reproducibility in imaging analysis, journals that support and publish replication studies, and Linked Open Science. It was great to hear more about all these different aspects of the OS movement and learn from our students.
Additionally, we had two special sessions with invited speakers from the OS community, who held presentations about their work and were happy to discuss it with all the participants. On that note, we would like to thank Flávio Azevedo, founder of FORRT, and Ai Sugiura, from UNESCO, for accepting our invitation and for two highly informative sessions and interesting discussions.
Another collaboration we would also like to highlight is a letter that the BordeauxTea organizers published at Brainstorm on OS practices and how it can be part of our research routines. Please check it out here!
Last but not least, it is always a pleasure to discuss OS, its implementations, and struggles in all fields of science and different across the campus. This summer, we hosted a round table on OS at the Introduction to Experimental Neuroscience Workshop and had a great debate! We are very happy to have had such a diverse audience – it always gives us a broader perspective.
“I really enjoyed participating in the BordeauxTea course and would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in these topics of Open Science and reproducibility! The monthly presentations covered a variety of OS tools and initiatives, many of which I didn’t know about.” Chloé Mercier (PhD student, Rougier’s team)
“I believe research to be a collaborative process. Over the course of many years of research I observed a gradual and consistent shift towards open reproducible science. Through the reproducibilitea initiative, I learnt how to go beyond merely publishing data analysis code and achieve more reproducible and more scientifically robust research. The only thing that can beat science is better science.” Ankur Gupta (Postdoc, Wagner’s team)
“Rtea helped me get familiarized with diverse ways to implement open science and reproducibility.” Mélodie Ambroset (PhD student, Bontempi’s team)
“I’m really happy to have participated in the 2022 Reproducibilitea session. I really liked discussing topics on how to make science more open and transparent to all. Thank you Fjola and Eduarda for this initiative!” Yoni Couderc (Beyeler’s team)
Our thank you note…
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our sessions this year – presenters and attendees. We are happy to see that we were well received in the local community – we could not have done that without you!
It is important for us to mention the amazing support from the Neurocampus Graduate Program. Since the beginning, they opened every door, helped with the advertisement through their website and newsletters, and guaranteed catering for in-person sessions.
Finally, we are very happy about our first year of collaboration with FORRT and proud to have contributed with ten summaries from our sessions. It’s always great to work together with other Open Science initiatives!
A chance to see our sessions
In case you missed any of the sessions this year (a summary can be found here), we have a YouTube playlist with the recordings. Check it out. This space was kindly offered by the Clinical Neuroanatomy Seminars team. A big thanks to them as well!
What comes next?
For 2023 we plan to change the way the BordeauxTea is organized! We are still under negotiation and cannot disclose much, but we will definitely keep you posted! However, for now, we are organizing a survey to understand if and how you think OS should be more present in the Neurocampus – stay tuned!
Eduarda Centeno (Leblois and Mallet’s team) and Fjola Hyseni (Rougier’s team)
Social networks and contacts
Slack channel (Neurocampus students)
Also about ReproducibiliTea in Bordeaux
Mise à jour: 20/12/22