Axe 1 : Biologie cellulaire et développement des cellules du système nerveux et des synapses
- Battefeld : Pathophysiology of neuron-oligodendrocyte interactions
- Boué-Grabot / Landry : Purinergic mediated neuroinflammation and brain disorders
- Choquet : Dynamic organization and function of synapses
- Dulon : Clinical and translational exploration of sensorineural hearing loss
- Elegheert : Structural biology and engineering of neuronal signalling
- Giannone : Spatio-temporal and mechanical control of motile structures
- Goizet / Stevanin : Translational research in neurogenetic diseases (NRGEN)
- Groc : Development and adaptation of neuronal circuits
- Marsicano : Endocannabinoids and neuroadaptation
- Montcouquiol / Sans : Planar polarity and plasticity
- Mulle / Carta : Synapses and neural circuits in behaviour
- Nägerl : Synaptic plasticity and super-resolution microscopy
- Perrais : Membrane traffic at synapses (MemTraS)
- Studer : Organ_izing the cells
- Thoby-Brisson, Barrière : Development and Neurobiology of Neural Networks (DN3)
- Thoumine : Cell adhesion molecules in synapse assembly
Adhésion cellulaire et cytosquelette, Complexes moléculaires de la synapse, Développement du système nerveux, Energétique et Mitochondrie, Interactions neurones-glie, Métabolisme, Physiologie synaptique, Signalisation, Trafic intracellulaire, Ultrastructure neuronale et morphogénèse, Unité neuro-vasculaire
Axe 2 : Dynamique des circuits neuronaux
- Battefeld : Pathophysiology of neuron-oligodendrocyte interactions
- Baufreton / Georges : Dopamine and neuronal assemblies
- Beyeler : Neural circuits of anxiety
- Caillé-Garnier / David : Emotion, Motivation and Cognition (EMOTIV)
- Dulon : Clinical and translational exploration of sensorineural hearing loss
- Gambino : Computational and systems neuroscience
- Herry : Neuronal circuits of associative learning
- Humeau : Synapse in cognition
- Leblois / Mallet : Network dynamics for procedural learning
- Montcouquiol / Sans : Planar polarity and plasticity
- Mulle : Synapses and neural circuits in behaviour
- Nägerl : Synaptic plasticity and super-resolution microscopy
- Nicolas : Addiction, interoception and sex differences (NEED)
- Roux : Olfaction and memory
- Rougier : Computational Neuroscience
- de Rugy : Hybrid sensorimotor performance
- Takahashi : Neural Basis of Perception
- Thoby-Brisson, Barrière : Development and Neurobiology of Neural Networks (DN3)
- Wagner / Aussel : Neuromodulation and neuroprosthetics
- Wolff : Decision and adaptation (DECAD)
Axe 3 : Systèmes moteur et sensoriels
- Bertrand / Juvin : Coordinations and plasticity of spinal generators
- Boraud / Burbaud : Physiology and pathophysiology of executive functions
- Chanraud / Michelet : Motor control and cognition
- Frick : Cortical plasticity
- Montcouquiol / Sans : Planar polarity and plasticity
- Rougier : Computational Neuroscience
- de Rugy : Hybrid sensorimotor performance
- Takahashi : Neural Basis of Perception
- Thoby-Brisson : Organization and adaptability of motor systems
Axe 4 : Addiction et vulnérabilité, Toxicomanie
- Ahmed : Choice, Addiction and Neurodysfunctions (Candy)
- Auriacombe : Sleep, addiction and neuropsychiatry
- Berthoz, Sibon : Ecological assessment and management of psychiatric disorders (ECOPSY)
- Beyeler : Neural circuits of anxiety
- Caillé-Garnier, David : Emotion, Motivation and Cognition (EMOTIV)
- Deroche-Gamonet : Psychobiology of drug addiction
- Nicolas : Addiction, interoception and sex differences (NEED)
Axe 5 : Cerveau, cognition et comportement
- Abrous : Neurogenesis and pathophysiology
- Ahmed : Choice, Addiction and Neurodysfunctions (Candy)
- Alexandre : Mnemosyne: mnemonic synergy
- Auriacombe : Sleep, addiction and neuropsychiatry
- Bontempi / Morel : Dynamics of neuronal and non neuronal networks underlying memory processing (MEMORY)
- Brun : Neuroscience, Humanities & Society (NeHuS)
- Caillé-Garnier / David : Emotion, Motivation and Cognition (EMOTIV)
- Catheline : Sleep/Wake, Aging, Neuroimaging (SWAN)
- Chanraud / Michelet : Motor control and cognition
- Choquet : Dynamic organization and function of synapses
- Desmedt : Pathophysiology of declarative memory
- Ferreira / Trifilieff : Mechanisms of neural circuit sensitivity to altered nutritional status (FoodCircus)
- Gambino : Computational and systems neuroscience
- Groc : Development and adaptation of neuronal circuits
- Herry : Neuronal circuits of associative learning
- Leblois / Mallet : Network dynamics for procedural learning
- Marsicano : Endocannabinoids and neuroadaptation
- Montcouquiol / Sans : Planar polarity and plasticity
- Mulle : Synapses and neural circuits in behaviour
- Nicolas : Addiction, interoception and sex differences (NEED)
- Oliet : Glia-neuron interactions
- Thiebaut de Schotten : Neurofunctional imaging group
- Revest : Physiopathology and therapeutic approaches of stress-related diseases
- Rougier : Computational Neuroscience
- Wagner / Aussel : Neuromodulation and neuroprosthetics
- Wolff : Decision and adaptation (DECAD)
Axe 6 : Pathologies psychiatriques
- Abrous : Neurogenesis and pathophysiology
- Baufreton / Georges : Dopamine and neuronal assemblies
- Berthoz, Sibon : Ecological assessment and management of psychiatric disorders (ECOPSY)
- Beyeler : Neural circuits of anxiety
- Caillé-Garnier / David : Emotion, Motivation and Cognition (EMOTIV)
- Capuron / Moisan : Nutrition and Neuropsychiatric Symptom Dimensions (NutriPsy)
- Catheline : Sleep/Wake, Aging, Neuroimaging (SWAN)
- Choquet : Dynamic organization and function of synapses
- Desmedt : Pathophysiology of declarative memory
- Frick : Cortical plasticity
- Groc : Development and adaptation of neuronal circuits
- Marsicano : Endocannabinoids and neuroadaptation
- Revest : Physiopathology and therapeutic approaches of stress-related diseases
ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders), Dépression, Fragile X, Maladies Neuro-développementales, Maladies rares, Retard mental, Schizophrénie, Troubles anxieux, Troubles des comportements alimentaires, Troubles des comportements chez l’enfant et l’adolescent, Troubles du sommeil
Axe 7 : Maladies neurodégénératives et autres maladies neurologiques
- Baufreton / Georges : Dopamine and neuronal assemblies
- Benazzouz / Fossat : Monoamines, Parkinson and Pain
- Berthoz / Sibon : Ecological assessment and management of psychiatric disorders (ECOPSY)
- Bezard : Pathophysiology of proteinopathies
- Bontempi / Morel : Dynamics of neuronal and non neuronal networks underlying memory processing (MEMORY)
- Boué-Grabot / Landry : Purinergic mediated neuroinflammation and brain disorders
- Catheline : Sleep/Wake, Aging, Neuroimaging (SWAN)
- Meissner : IMN clinics
- Mulle : Synapses and neural circuits in behaviour
Axe 8 : Nutrition et santé mentale
- Capuron / Moisan : Nutrition and Neuropsychiatric Symptom Dimensions (NutriPsy)
- Cota : Energy balance and obesity
- Ferreira / Trifilieff : Mechanisms of neural circuit sensitivity to altered nutritional status (FoodCircus)
- Layé / Fioramonti : Brain Nutrient Sensing and Cognitive Trajectory from Development to Aging (NutriMind)
Comportement alimentaire, Contaminants alimentaires, Déséquilibre alimentaire et vulnérabilité psychiatrique, Effet signal des nutriments dans le cerveau, Interactions nutriments et traitement neuropharmacologique, Métabolisme, Nutrition protectrice et vieillissement cognitif chez l’humain, Relations microbiote-intestin-cerveau, Troubles métaboliques et obésité
Axe 9 : Neurotechnologies (Développement de nouvelles technologies pour les neurosciences)
- Berthoz, Sibon : Ecological assessment and management of psychiatric disorders (ECOPSY)
- Choquet : Dynamic organization and function of synapses
- Elegheert : Structural biology and engineering of neuronal signalling
- Gambino : Computational and systems neuroscience
- Giannone : Spatio-temporal and mechanical control of motile structures
- Nägerl : Synaptic plasticity and super-resolution microscopy
- Perrais : Membrane traffic at synapses (MemTraS)
- de Rugy : Hybrid sensorimotor performance
- Sibarita : Quantitative imaging of the cell
- Studer : Organ_izing the cells
- Takahashi : Neural Basis of Perception
- Thoumine : Cell adhesion molecules in synapse assembly
- Wagner / Aussel : Neuromodulation and neuroprosthetics
Analyses des données, Bio-informatique et analyse des données, Bio-senseurs, Biochimie, Chimie, Comportement, Imagerie cellulaire in vitro ou in vivo, Intelligence artificielle et réalité virtuelle, Interfaces humains-machines, Santé connectée, Microfluidique, Microscopie super-résolutive, Modèle génétique, Neurocomputation, Nouvelles approches en biologie structurale, Nouvelles méthodes d’imagerie chez l’humain, Optogénétique et chemogénétique