
Post-doctoral position – Microglia and respiratory dysfunction in CCHS (or Ondine syndrome).

The team “Development and Neurobiology of Neural Networks” (DN3) headed by Muriel Thoby-Brisson and Grégory Barrière at Institut des Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d’Aquitaine (INCIA) in Bordeaux is seeking one talented, enthusiastic and independent postdoctoral scientist to work on a project investigating the respiratory (dys)functions in the pathological context of the Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) and how to treat the associated life-threatening breathing deficiencies.

The project has two major objectives: 1) to identify molecules with potential curative effects on CCHS-linked respiratory anomalies and to define their key targets and action within the central nervous system, and 2) to characterize the morpho-functional phenotype of microglia in CCHS and investigate whether microglia could be a target for pharmaceutical treatments. To achieve these goals we are using a well-established rodent model of CCHS, and combine functional (electrophysiology, calcium imaging, plethysmography), anatomical (immunohistochemistry, clearing methods, confocal imaging) and molecular (RNA-sequencing, phagocytic assays) investigations, from the level of individual neurons/microglia to the integrated behavior, from embryonic to early post-natal ages, with both ex vivo and in vivo approaches.

We are looking for a highly motivated experimental scientist who must have a PhD degree with a strong background in cellular and molecular neuroscience, skills in electrophysiology and knowledge in microglia. Expertise in molecular biology and immunohistology would be an additional advantage. The applicant should also have good team working capabilities, the ability to independently carry out experimental research and good communication skills in spoken and written English. French speaking is not mandatory.

The project is funded by the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale and the position is available starting October 2025 for a period of 2.5 years.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter with a brief description of research experiences, interests and accomplishments, their CV and the name of 2 to 3 references to:
Muriel Thoby-Brisson


Publication: 12/02/25
Mise à jour: 12/02/25