Miltenyi Biotec seminar: latest Neurology Application Solutions

Thursday 14 November

Venue: CARF (ex. CGFB)

Join Miltenyi Biotec for an exclusive seminar on the latest Neurology Application Solutions!

11:00 AM – Presentation: « Advanced Neuroscience Research Solutions“
Experience a complete workflow from sample preparation and cell culture to specialized cell separation (MACS Technology). Discover advanced cell sorting with the MACSQuant Tyto and high-resolution imaging (UltraMicroscope Blaze & MACSima Platform) tailored for neural research.

12:30 PM – Lunch Break
Enjoy a convivial lunch and the opportunity to share ideas with fellow attendees.

1:30 PM – Special Exchange & Networking
Meet our specialists at the booth for personalized discussions and insights!

Local organizer

Marlène Maître
Neurocentre Magendie

05 57 57 37 63

Registration before November 5th

Click here to register

Publication: 15/10/24
Mise à jour: 15/10/24