
GPR BRAIN_2030 – PhD extension grant

The GPR BRAIN_2030 launches its call for proposal « PhD extension grant ».

It offers to students from Bordeaux Neurocampus a fellowship to complete their PhD thesis work, either before or after the defense. The fellowship aims at funding either a fourth year of PhD, or a few months of post-doctoral contract equivalent to a maximum of one year’s thesis salary, covering up a period to finish projects before leaving the lab.

Eligibility criteria

  • The PhD must be conducted in a Bordeaux Neurocampus institute
  • The candidate is currently:
  • in his/her 3rd year of PhD, wishes to extend his/her 3rd year and/or to start a post-doc
  • in his/her 3rd year of PhD and wishes to do a 4th year of PhD
  • The GPR BRAIN_2030 PhD extension grant doesn’t exceed 12 months in total and the equivalent of one year’s thesis salary

Evaluation criteria

  • Curriculum and career plan
  • Quality of the application (clear and concise writing, in line with the template…)
  • Quality of the methodology (progress achieved and planning for the completion of the thesis, feasibility)
  • Potential to result in high impact publications

The coordinators and co-coordinators of the GPR BRAIN_2030 will evaluate the applications.


Download the application (.doc)

Please send you application to julia.goncalves@u-bordeaux.fr.

> Deadline: Monday 17th April 2023 at 2:00 pm (no delay accepted).

Publication: 10/04/23
Mise à jour: 20/04/23