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Calendrier de Évènements

Calendrier de Évènements
lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche

Cajal lectures : « Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience »

Cajal lectures : « Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience »

Rencard du Savoir : « Esprit critique, es-tu encore là ? »

Cajal lectures : « Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience »

Cajal lectures : « Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience »

Chercheurs, patients, aidants, tous ensemble !

Cajal lectures : « Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience »


Bordeaux Deeptech Tour

Lancement institutionnel des Grands Programmes de Recherche


Seminar SBM / Neurocampus – Roman Zubarev


Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Seminar – Julien Berro

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

MAPI Day « L’enseignement clinique. Dispositifs pédagogiques au service de l’apprentissage en situation réelle »

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Seminar – Denny Borsboom

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

4th symposium of the network on monocytes – macrophages – microglia

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Elections des conseils centraux

Reproducibilitea session

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Elections des conseils centraux

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Elections des conseils centraux

Rencard du Savoir : « Sciences participatives : toutes et tous apprenti(e)s chercheur(e)s ? »

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

PhD seminar / Cajal Lecture – Adam Packer

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

Cajal lectures: Optogenetics, chemogenetics and biosensors for cellular and circuit neuroscience

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