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Évènements en octobre 2024

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Calendrier de Évènements

Calendrier de Évènements
lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Seminar – Vincent Villette

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Soutenance de thèse – Alice Fermigier

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Soutenance de thèse – Nathan Bénac

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

PhD seminar – Paulo Pinheiro

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Soutenance d’HDR – Fuschia Serre

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Friday Seminar – Cheng-Chang « Maxo » Chen

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Food4BrainHealth days

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

Food4BrainHealth days

Conférence : les additifs alimentaires nous montent-ils à la tête ?

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

BrainConf NeuroFood

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

BrainConf NeuroFood

Soutenance de thèse – Yacine Tensaouti

Cajal lectures – Advanced imaging techniques for cellular and systems neuroscience

BrainConf NeuroFood


Soutenance de thèse – Pauline Couty


Soutenance de thèse – Ana Moreira de Sá

Soutenance de thèse – Ivana Trivunovic

Friday seminar – Norbert Hajos

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