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Well-being seminar #4 Isolation & belonging.

14 octobre 2021 / 12:00 - 13:00

Venue: ZOOM
Meeting ID: 885 5098 1775

For PhD students

Deadline for ADUM registration: 13/09/2021


Academic life can be an isolating experience for many people. For many, the role requires you to live far from home and those you love; for many, the workload demands can impact significantly on your ability to socialize and maintain relationships.

We discuss and explore:

  • 1.       Some of the many sources of isolation and loneliness that are inherent in our system,
  • 2.       Why it is so bad for us? The answer to which lies with our sense of belonging and identity.
  • 3.       How we can begin to change it – to increase our sense of belonging within the academic community through creating a sense of safety, connection and common threads.


By Desiree Dickerson. Neuroscientist. Psychologist.

About Well-being seminars

Organized by Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program.

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Date :
14 octobre 2021
Heure :
12:00 - 13:00
Catégorie d’Évènement: