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Symposium: Shedding Light on the Brain with Advanced Biophotonics

5 février 2024 - 6 février 2024

Venue: Centre Broca

Organized by Valentin Nägerl and Naoya Takahashi (IINS)

This 2-day symposium brings together leading developers and practitioners of cutting-edge neurotechnology techniques for high-resolution recording and manipulating the electro-chemical activity of the brain at the level of molecules, cells and circuits. Half of the speakers come from the National Institute of Physiological Sciences (NIPS) in Okazaki, one of the premier institutes for biomedical research in Japan (, headed by Prof. Junichi Nabekura, who will be part of the delegation. All of the Japanese visitors are PIs at the NIPS with major contributions and publications in the domain. The other half of the speakers come from IINS and BIC, whose research is similarly impactful, attracting international attention. Importantly, the research carried out by both sides provides for a lot of common ground while nicely complementing each other, offering the chance for interesting and fertile discussions and learning opportunities for all attendees, from students to postdocs and research faculty. The speakers will cover many exciting and timely topics in neurophotonics and neuroscience, including novel microscopies and biosensors, deep tissue multi-photon microscopy and super-resolution imaging, presenting their latest methodological developments and neurobiological discoveries.


Monday 5 February

Session 1

09:15-09:45 Hideji Murakoshi (NIPS)
Optogenetic manipulation and imaging of signaling molecules in dendritic spines of neurons

09:45-10:15 Laurent Groc (IINS)
Exploring the neuronal membrane and extracellular environment at the single molecule level

10:15-10:45 Taisuke Yoneda (NIPS)
Experience-dependent plasticity and visual response selectivity of layer 6b neuron subtypes in the mouse primary visual cortex

Session 2

11:00-11:30 Hirokazu Ishii (NIPS/ExCELLS)
Advances in brain tissue two-photon laser-scanning microscopy utilizing novel techniques

11:30-12:00 Fred Gambino (IINS)
Two-photon imaging of decision function during motor planning

12:00-12:30 Hiroaki Wake (NIPS)
Holographic microscope for multi-cellular measurement and manipulation

12:30-13:00 Naoya Takahashi (IINS)
Distinct roles of cortical layer 5 neuron subtypes in tactile detection and learning

Session 3

14:30-15:00 Kohei Otomo (NIPS/ExCELLS)
descSPIM: user-affordable DIY light-sheet microscopy for cleared tissue specimens

15:00-15:30 Mathieu Ducros (BIC)
Lattice Light-Sheet Microscopy for Neuroscience Research

15:30-16:00 Masaru Ishii (Osaka University)
Intravital multiphoton imaging dissecting immune cellular dynamics in vivo

16:00-16:30 Valentin Nägerl (IINS)
STED imaging in mouse brain in vivo

16:30-17:00 Takushi Shimomura (NIPS)
Voltage clamp fluorometry of two-pore channels reveals a unique movement of 2nd S4 helix

17:00-17:30 Jean-Baptiste Sibarita (IINS)
3D imaging at different scales using single-objective light-sheet microscopy

Tuesday 6 February

Session 4

09:00-09:30 Nabekura Junichi (NIPS)
Remodeling of S1 circuits in chronic pain model: towards clinical trials

09:30-10:00 Mario Carta (IINS)
Cellular coding of temperature in the mammalian cortex

10:00-10:30 Ikuko Takeda (NIPS)
The role of astrocyte in V2L neuronal remodeling following vision loss

10:30-11:00 Mathieu Sainlos (IINS)
Protein engineering for the investigation of endogenous synaptic proteins

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:00 Discussion

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Début :
5 février 2024
Fin :
6 février 2024
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