Visit of students from Max Planck Institute

The PhD students from the International Max Plank Research School for Neural Circuits in Frankfurt, Germany, are planning a 4-days retreat to Bordeaux on April 25-28th. As part of their stay, a number of shared events with Neurocampus students are organized by the NBA and Bordeaux Neurocampus.

Julia GONCALVES / PhD student /Présidente de la NBA / Dear PhD Student, 

April 25th
10:00 : Diane Bissen (GU/MPI) : GRIP1 and its interactants in dendritic and spine morphogenesis and in synaptic plasticity
10:30 Felix Hoffmann (FIAS) : Open & reproducible research – What can we do in practice?
11:00 : Tiago Campelo (IINS) : Role of in vivo dynamics of AMPA receptors during experience-dependent cortical plasticity
11:30 : Ashley Castellanos (Magendie) : Hypothalamic bile acids signaling in the regulation of energy balance
12:00 – 14:00 : Shared lunch buffet at CROUS
14:00 – 16:00 : 2nd round of student talks
14:00 : Fabio Sartori (MPI): Impact of neuronal morphology on protein’s distribution
14:30 : Mantian Wang (MPI): Light-controlled miRNA silencing to investigate the role of miRNAs in synaptic plasticity
15:00 : Benjamin Compans (IINS): Various Long Term Depressions trigger Different Nanoscale Reorganization of AMPA Receptors
15:30 : Filipe Nunes Vicente (IINS): Unveiling the regulation mechanisms and nano-scale organization of β3-integrin and its partners at dendritic spines

April 26th
14:00 – 15:00 : Seminar by Daniel CHOQUET (CGFB Conference Room)
15:00 – 16:00 : Seminar by Sophie LAYÉ (CGFB Conference Room)
16:00 – 19:00 : Lab tours
20:00 – Dinner at Le Café du Port (offered by the International Max Plank Research School, please Register before April 24th)



Publication: 17/04/18
Last update 18/05/18