Formations à l’école des neurosciences

Cajal courses

The CAJAL Advanced neuroscience training programme is supported by 5 partners: FENS, IBRO, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience and the Champalimaud Foundation.

The speakers come from all over the world.


The school organizes occasionaly workshops in addition to the Cajal schools.

Recently, the School has been assisting in the development of the new “Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program” of the University of Bordeaux, by organizing training programs dedicated to Master’s and doctoral students in neuroscience or other disciplines interested in the brain.


Workshop “Introduction to experimental neuroscience” in partnership with Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program


CANCELED – Workshop “Introduction to experimental neuroscience”

Mini-workshop “Introduction to experimental neuroscience”


SyDAD workshop “Advanced Methods for Pleclinical Alzheimer Research


SyDAD workshop “Synapse Methodology Course