Spatio-temporal and mechanical control of motile structures
Our goal is to decipher at the molecular level the spatiotemporal and mechanical mechanisms which control the architecture and dynamics of motile structures. First in the context of cell migration by studying integrin-based adhesion sites and the actin-based lamellipodial protrusions, in healthy and cancer cells. Second in the context of neuronal structural plasticity by studying integrins and the actin cytoskeleton in axons and dendritic spines. And finally, in the context of multicellular organism by focusing on integrin-mediated adhesion in living Drosophila tissues. Exploration of all these new dimensions requires an innovative and multidisciplinary approach combining cell biology, biophysics, biomechanics and advanced optical microscopy techniques including super-resolution microscopy, single protein tracking and quantitative image analysis.
Innovative techniques: single molecule localization microscopy (PALM, STORM, uPAINT, DNA-PAINT), super-resolution microscopy (RESOLFT), cell stretching, optical tweezers.
Mots clés
Adhésion cellulaire et cytosquelette, Analyses des données, Bio-senseurs, Imagerie cellulaire in vitro ou in vivo, Microfluidique, Microscopie super-résolutive, Optogénétique et chemogénétique, Signalisation, Synapse molecular complexes, Ultrastructure neuronale et morphogénèseSelected publications
A super-resolution platform for correlative live single-molecule imaging and STED microscopy
V. V. G. Krishna Inavalli, Martin O. Lenz, Corey Butler, Julie Angibaud, Benjamin Compans, Florian Levet, Jan Tønnesen, Olivier Rossier, Gregory Giannone, Olivier Thoumine, Eric Hosy, Daniel Choquet, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, U. Valentin Nägerl.
Nat Methods. 2019-10-21.
DOI: 10.1038/s41592-019-0611-8 -
Actin dynamics in cell migration.
Matthias Schaks, Grégory Giannone, Klemens Rottner.
Essays in Biochemistry. 2019-09-24. 63 (5) : 483-495.
DOI: 10.1042/ebc20190015 -
The inner life of integrin adhesion sites: From single molecules to functional macromolecular complexes.
Thomas Orré, Olivier Rossier, Grégory Giannone.
Experimental Cell Research. 2019-06-01. 379 (2) : 235-244.
DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2019.03.036 -
The cancer glycocalyx mechanically primes integrin-mediated growth and survival
. .
DOI: 10.1038/nature13535 -
Localization-based super-resolution imaging meets high-content screening
Anne Beghin, Adel Kechkar, Corey Butler, Florian Levet, Marine Cabillic, Olivier Rossier, Gregory Giannone, Rémi Galland, Daniel Choquet, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita.
Nat Meth. 2017-10-30. 14 (12) : 1184-1190.
DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.4486 -
Optimized labeling of membrane proteins for applications to super-resolution imaging in confined cellular environments using monomeric streptavidin
Ingrid Chamma, Olivier Rossier, Grégory Giannone, Olivier Thoumine, Matthieu Sainlos.
Nat Protoc. 2017-03-09. 12 (4) : 748-763.
DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2017.010 -
The journey of integrins and partners in a complex interactions landscape studied by super-resolution microscopy and single protein tracking
Olivier Rossier, Grégory Giannone.
Experimental Cell Research. 2016-04-01. 343 (1) : 28-34.
DOI: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2015.11.004 -
Integrins beta(1) and beta(3) exhibit distinct dynamic nanoscale organizations inside focal adhesions
Olivier Rossier, Vivien Octeau, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Cécile Leduc, Béatrice Tessier, Deepak Nair, Volker Gatterdam, Olivier Destaing, Corinne Albigès-Rizo, Robert Tampé, Laurent Cognet, Daniel Choquet, Brahim Lounis, Grégory Giannone.
Nat Cell Biol. 2012-09-30. 14 (10) : 1057-1067.
DOI: 10.1038/ncb2588 -
New approach for measuring protrusive forces in cells
A. Mathur, P. Roca-Cusachs, O. M. Rossier, S. J. Wind, M. P. Sheetz, J. Hone.
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena. 2011-11-01. 29 (6) : 06FA02.
DOI: 10.1116/1.3655580 -
Signaling Network Triggers and Membrane Physical Properties Control the Actin Cytoskeleton-Driven Isotropic Phase of Cell Spreading
Padmini Rangamani, Marc-Antoine Fardin, Yuguang Xiong, Azi Lipshtat, Olivier Rossier, Michael P. Sheetz, Ravi Iyengar.
Biophysical Journal. 2011-02-01. 100 (4) : 845-857.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2010.12.3732 -
Mechanisms Controlling Cell Size and Shape during Isotropic Cell Spreading
Yuguang Xiong, Padmini Rangamani, Marc-Antoine Fardin, Azi Lipshtat, Benjamin Dubin-Thaler, Olivier Rossier, Michael P. Sheetz, Ravi Iyengar.
Biophysical Journal. 2010-05-01. 98 (10) : 2136-2146.
DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2010.01.059 -
Force generated by actomyosin contraction builds bridges between adhesive contacts
Olivier M Rossier, Nils Gauthier, Nicolas Biais, Wynn Vonnegut, Marc-Antoine Fardin, Philip Avigan, Evan R Heller, Anurag Mathur, Saba Ghassemi, Michael S Koeckert, James C Hone, Michael P Sheetz.
EMBO J. 2010-02-11. 29 (6) : 1055-1068.
DOI: 10.1038/emboj.2010.2 -
Cytoskeletal coherence requires myosin-IIA contractility
Y. Cai, O. Rossier, N. C. Gauthier, N. Biais, M.-A. Fardin, X. Zhang, L. W. Miller, B. Ladoux, V. W. Cornish, M. P. Sheetz.
Journal of Cell Science. 2010-01-12. 123 (3) : 413-423.
DOI: 10.1242/jcs.058297 -
Cell spreading as a hydrodynamic process
M. A. Fardin, O. M. Rossier, P. Rangamani, P. D. Avigan, N. C. Gauthier, W. Vonnegut, A. Mathur, J. Hone, R. Iyengar, M. P. Sheetz.
Soft Matter. 2010-01-01. 6 (19) : 4788.
DOI: 10.1039/c0sm00252f -
Plasma Membrane Area Increases with Spread Area by Exocytosis of a GPI-anchored Protein Compartment
Nils C. Gauthier, Olivier M. Rossier, Anurag Mathur, James C. Hone, Michael P. Sheetz.
MBoC. 2009-07-15. 20 (14) : 3261-3272.
DOI: 10.1091/mbc.E09-01-0071 -
Gold-tipped elastomeric pillars for cellular mechanotransduction
S. Ghassemi, O. Rossier, M. P. Sheetz, S. J. Wind, J. Hone.
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B. 2009-01-01. 27 (6) : 3088.
DOI: 10.1116/1.3259953 -
Lamellipodial actin mechanically links myosin activity with adhesion-site formation
Grégory Giannone, Benjamin J. Dubin-Thaler, Olivier Rossier, Yunfei Cai, Oleg Chaga, Guoying Jiang, William Beaver, Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Yoav Freund, Gary Borisy, Michael P. Sheetz.
Cell. 2007-02-01. 128 (3) : 561-575.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.12.039 -
Hydrodynamic extrusion of tubes from giant vesicles
N Borghi, O Rossier, F Brochard-Wyart.
Europhys. Lett.. 2003-12-01. 64 (6) : 837-843.
DOI: 10.1209/epl/i2003-00321-x -
Micropatterned “adherent/repellent” glass surfaces for studying the spreading kinetics of individual red blood cells onto protein-decorated substrates
Damien Cuvelier, Olivier Rossier, Patricia Bassereau, Pierre Nassoy.
European Biophysics Journal. 2003-07-01. 32 (4) : 342-354.
DOI: 10.1007/s00249-003-0282-2 -
Giant vesicles under flows: Extrusion and retraction of tubes
O. Rossier, D. Cuvelier, N. Borghi, P. H. Puech, I. Derényi, A. Buguin, P. Nassoy, F. Brochard-Wyart.
Langmuir. 2003-02-01. 19 (3) : 575-584.
DOI: 10.1021/la026236t -
Spinodal dewetting of thin liquid films at soft interfaces
A. Martin, O. Rossier, A. Buguin, P. Auroy, F. Brochard-Wyart.
The European Physical Journal E. 2000-12-01. 3 (4) : 337-341.
DOI: 10.1007/s101890070004
Team member(s)
Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...
Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s
Adrien Joly Joly
Beatrice Senigagliesi Senigagliesi
Eloina Corradi Corradi
Amine Mehidi Mehidi
Jyothis Devasia Devasia
Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)
Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC