Nutrition and Neuropsychiatric Symptom Dimensions (NutriPsy)


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The overarching scientific objective of the Nutripsy team is to understand how nutrition can contribute to mental health, and to identify the mechanisms by which nutritional imbalances promote the development of neuropsychiatric symptoms, focusing on inflammatory processes. For this purpose, we propose a translational and integrative research program with the following complementary specific aims:

  • to elucidate the mechanisms by which inflammation, in relation to dietary habits, leads to neuropsychiatric symptom dimensions and antidepressant resistance
  • to determine the influence of environmental factors and genetic variants related to inflammation on depressive symptoms and antidepressant response in clinical and preclinical models of nutritional imbalances,
  • to propose innovative personalized treatment strategies through targeted nutritional approaches guided by the clinical, biological/inflammatory, and nutritional profiles of patients.

This research program represents a critical step toward a precision medicine applied to mental health, in a context where the efficacy of standard treatments remains mitigated.

Selected publications

Team leader
Lucile Capuron

Marie-Pierre Moisan

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Bruno Aouizerate (University teacher - researcher - Hospital practitioner)
Julie Brossaud (University teacher - researcher - Hospital practitioner)
Muriel Darnaudéry (University Teacher - Researcher)
Nathalie Castanon (Researcher)
Pascal Barat (University teacher - researcher - Hospital practitioner)
Sylvie Vancassel (Researcher)
Quentin Leyrolle (Enseignant-chercheur)
Amandine Ferrière (Associate professor / hospital practitioner)

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s



Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)

Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC