Motor control and cognition (Mococo)


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The main goal of the Motor Control and Cognition team is to understand the link between motor control, motor learning and higher cognitive functions in healthy and pathological conditions. We explore the human capacity to plan different actions and form decisions from an abstract level (e.g number processing) to more concrete situation (e.g the ability to use tools). We also seek to understand the impact of mental effort and consecutive mental fatigue on these activities.
We study behaviour and address its neural underpinnings with electrophysiology, pupillometry, transcranial magnetic stimulation and functional neuroimaging. In addition, we use computational models to emulate the cognitive processes at play.

Team leader
Sandra Chanraud

Thomas Michelet
Université de Bordeaux

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Alexandre Zénon (Researcher)
Arnaud Badets (Researcher)
Manuel Bouvard (University Teacher- Researcher)
Catherine Semal (University Teacher- Researcher)
Françoise Dellu Hagedorn (Researcher)
Laurent Demany (Researcher)
Anouck Amestoy (PU-PH)
Camille Jeunet (Researcher)

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s

Olena Bogdanova



Vianney Salvi
Simon Boylan
Julie Lenoir
Elise Grevet
Margaux Izac
Lutzi Castaño
Axel Plantey Veux
Laure Pelloux

Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)

Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC