IMN clinics


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The clinical branch of the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases (IMNc) combines patient care (Expert Center for Parkinson’s disease, Dementia Clinic, French Reference Centre for Multiple System Atrophy, Competence Centre for Rare Dementia, Competence Centre for Tourette Syndrome) and clinical research in the fields of neurodegenerative diseases and movement disorders. Our research program builds on three axes. The first research axis investigates the pathophysiology of movement disorders and neurodegenerative diseases, focusing on dystonia, Tourette syndrome, gait, and tremor using both imaging and electrophysiological technics. The second research axis investigates the natural history of neurodegenerative disorders. It aims to determine factors of prognosis, survival, and health-related quality of life and identify potential diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers by taking advantage of several well-characterized prospective clinical cohorts. The third research axis capitalizes upon the long-standing expertise of IMNc investigators in clinical trials. This research axis emphasizes the refinement of clinical assessment tools and the development of diagnosis and prognosis biomarkers. The investigators of the IMNc research team lead or contribute to numerous academic and industry-sponsored multi-center trials. Also, the team focuses on complementary medicine and developing non-pharmacological interventions (mindfulness, psychosocial support, and care by specialized teams).

Team leader
Wassilios Meissner
Université de Bordeaux / CHU

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Alexandra Foubert-Samier (Physician/ Researcher)
Brice Laurens (Parkinson expert - Hospital practitioner)
François Tison (PU-PH)
Nathalie Damon Perrière (Hospital practitioner)
Thomas Boraud (Director of IMN)
Pierre Burbaud (PU-PH)
Emmanuel Cuny (University Teacher - Researcher - Hospital practitioner)
Vincent Planche (PU PH)
Dominique Guehl (University Teacher- Researcher)
Sophie Auriacombe (Hospital Practitionner)
Sylvain Vergnet (Hospital practicioner)
Julie Péron-Bonnevaux (Physician)
David Bendetowicz (Praticien hospitalier, post-doctoral Student)
Jade Sarrabere (Cheffe de clinique)
Lai Wei Ho (Assistant de recherche clinique)

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s



Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)

Pauline Augiron (Neuropsychologist)
Nicolas Auzou (Neuropsychologue)
Marie Bonnet (Neuropsychologue)
Isabelle Le Taillandier de Gabory (Speech therapist)
Chloé Lazeras (Neuropsychologue)

Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC

Sandrine Dupouy (Clinical Research Assistant)
Sandrine Villars (Clinical Research Assistant)
Emmanuelle Durand (Assistant de recherche clinique)
Julie Erraud (Ingénieur hospitalier / Chef de projet)
Pascale Michel (Assistante de recherche clinique)