Glia-neuron interactions

Neurocentre Magendie

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Our aim is to understand the biological bases of glia-neurons interactions in healthy and diseased nervous system (chronic pain, Alzheimer disease and multiple sclerosis). We showed the contribution of astrocyte to synaptic functions by showing the role of D-serine, a gliotransmitter released by astrocytes, in gating synaptic NMDA receptors and their dependent long-term plasticity. We are now also interested in analyzing fine morphological plasticity of astroglial cells as well as monitoring membrane trafficking of key proteins at the surface of astrocytes.

Innovative techniques : In vitro electrophysiology, morphological analysis, MRI, chronic pain rat model

Selected publications

Team leader
Stéphane Oliet

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Aude Panatier (Researcher)
Aurélie Ruet (University Teacher- Researcher)
Bruno Brochet (Professor - Hospital service chief)
Daniel Voisin (University Teacher- Researcher)
Delphine Lamargue Hamel (University Teacher- Researcher)
Elena Avignone (University Teacher- Researcher)
Gwendal Lemasson (Professor - Hospital practitioner)
Philippe Ciofi (Researcher)
Stephanie Chevallier (University Teacher- Researcher)
Thomas Tourdias (Professor - Hospital practitioner)
Vincent Dousset (Professor - Hospital practitioner)

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s


Sarah Mountadem
Robin Kluster


Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)

Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC