Ecological assessment and management of psychiatric disorders (ECOPSY)
The scientific literature is increasingly concerned with the ecological validity and the implications in daily life of assessments administered in medical settings. A significant part of the team’s work is thus devoted to the development of ambulatory techniques using portable electronic devices to collect information on behaviors, experiences and symptoms as they are experienced in everyday life, i.e. the digital phenotyping. This information complements the results of standardized clinical tests and strengthens our understanding of the neurophysiological markers identified by neuroimaging. Combined, these approaches allow us to characterize predictors of the onset of neurological disorders and the trajectory of recovery, as well as their anatomo-functional correlates. In addition, ambulatory monitoring also allows for the provision of just-in-time support based on real-time assessment responses, i.e. digital health care. In recent years, we have developed tailor-made digital healthcare programs for the management of mood and anxiety disorders and addictions in patients with stroke or psychiatric illness.
Mots clés
ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), AVC, Cognition, Comportement alimentaire, Dépression, Déséquilibre alimentaire et vulnérabilité psychiatrique, Ecological momentary intervention, Emotion, Fonctions exécutives, Interfaces humain-machine et Santé connectée, Neuroimagerie chez l’humain, Retard mental, Schizophrénie, Troubles addictifs, Troubles anxieux, Troubles des comportements alimentaires, Troubles métaboliques et obésité, obesity, écological momentary assessmentSelected publications
Food Addiction: Prevalence, Severity, and Impact on Vascular Stroke Risk Factors in a French Hospital-Based Sample
Bibi Aliya Seelarbokus, Yolaine Rabat, Christophe Lalanne,Igor Sibon, Sylvie Berthoz.
Nutrients. 2024-12-15. 16 (24) : 4327.
DOI: 10.3390/nu16244327 -
The Executive Functioning Paradox in Substance Use Disorders
Louise Jakubiec, Valentine Chirokoff, Majd Abdallah, Ernesto Sanz-Arigita, Maud Dupuy, Joel Swendsen, Sylvie Berthoz, Fabien Gierski, Sarah Guionnet, David Misdrahi, Fuschia Serre, Marc Auriacombe, Melina Fatseas.
Biomedicines. 2022-10-28. 10 (11) : 2728.
DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines10112728 -
Cognitive flexibility and attention to detail in adolescents and adults with severe forms of anorexia nervosa
Sylvie Berthoz, Anne‐Solène Maria, Damien Ringuenet, Léna Bourdier, Isabelle Nicolas, Corinne Blanchet, Christine Foulon, Guillaume Lavoisy, Nathalie Godart, Caroline Barry.
Euro Eating Disorders Rev. 2022-02-28. 30 (3) : 289-297.
DOI: 10.1002/erv.2883 -
Normal-Appearing White Matter Deteriorates over the Year After an Ischemic Stroke and Is Associated with Global Cognition.
Sharmila Sagnier , Gwenaëlle Catheline , Bixente Dilharreguy , Pierre-Antoine Linck, Pierrick Coupé, Fanny Munsch, Antoine Bigourdan, Mathilde Poli, Sabrina Debruxelles, Pauline Renou, Stéphane Olindo, François Rouanet, Vincent Dousset , Thomas Tourdias , Igor Sibon .
Transl. Stroke Res.. 2022-02-01.
DOI: 10.1007/s12975-022-00988-8 -
Precision Preventive Medicine of Relapse in Smoking Cessation: Can MRI Inform the Search of Intermediate Phenotypes?
Yolaine Rabat, Sandra Chanraud, Majd Abdallah, Igor Sibon, Sylvie Berthoz.
Biology. 2021-12-27. 11 (1) : 35.
DOI: 10.3390/biology11010035 -
Real-time cognitive performance and positive symptom expression in schizophrenia.
Maud Dupuy, Majd Abdallah, Joel Swendsen, Bernard N’Kaoua, Sandra Chanraud, Pierre Schweitzer, Melina Fatseas, Fuschia Serre, Elodie Barse, Marc Auriacombe, David Misdrahi.
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2021-07-21.
DOI: 10.1007/s00406-021-01296-2 -
Implication of problematic substance use in poststroke depression: an hospital-based study
Yolaine Rabat, Igor Sibon, Sylvie Berthoz.
Sci Rep. 2021-06-25. 11 (1)
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92639-5 -
Association between neurological outcome and poststroke comorbid mood and anxiety disorders: A real‐life experience
Yolaine Rabat, Richard Houeze, Sharmila Sagnier, Stephane Olindo, Mathilde Poli, Sabrina Debruxelles, Pauline Renou, François Rouanet, Sylvie Berthoz, Igor Sibon.
Brain Behav. 2021-05-05.
DOI: 10.1002/brb3.2158 -
The Psycho-Affective Roots of Obesity: Results from a French Study in the General Population
Lena Bourdier, Melina Fatseas, Anne-Solène Maria, Arnaud Carre, Sylvie Berthoz.
Nutrients. 2020-09-28. 12 (10) : 2962.
DOI: 10.3390/nu12102962 -
Brief interventions for improving adherence in schizophrenia: A pilot study using electronic medication event monitoring
Arnaud Tessier, Maud Dupuy, Franck Jean Baylé, Corinne Herse, Anne-Catherine Lange, Bernard Vrijens, Pierre Schweitzer, Joel Swendsen, David Misdrahi.
Psychiatry Research. 2020-03-01. 285 : 112780.
DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112780 -
Role of the supplementary motor area during reproduction of supra-second time intervals: An intracerebral EEG study
Micha Pfeuty, Vincent Monfort, Madelyne Klein, Julien Krieg, Steffie Collé, Sophie Colnat-Coulbois, Hélène Brissart, Louis Maillard.
NeuroImage. 2019-05-01. 191 : 403-420.
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.047 -
Feasibility and validity of mobile cognitive testing in patients with substance use disorders and healthy controls
Alexandra Bouvard, Maud Dupuy, Pierre Schweitzer, Mathieu Revranche, Melina Fatseas, Fuschia Serre, David Misdrahi, Marc Auriacombe, Joel Swendsen.
Am J Addict. 2018-09-27. 27 (7) : 553-556.
DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12804 -
Effects of anxiety and mood disorders on craving and substance use among patients with substance use disorder: An ecological momentary assessment study
Melina Fatseas, Fuschia Serre, Joel Swendsen, Marc Auriacombe.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2018-06-01. 187 : 242-248.
DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.03.008
Team member(s)
Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...
Melina Fatseas Fatseas (Researcher)
Micha Pfeuty Pfeuty (University Teacher- Researcher)
Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s
Neuropsychologist(s) and speech therapist(s)
Ingénieur(s) hospitalier(s) et ARC