Cell biology


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The strong need for the production of primary cultured and heterologous cells, plasmids production and functionalized probes, called for the creation of a facility as a central resource of expertise. Many groups specialized in imaging, electrophysiology or behavior can benefit the access to an open resource in cell biology. IINS has thus created the Cell Biology Facility that produce primary neuronal cultures, molecular biology tools and functionalized probes. In addition, this core facility can respond to specific requests, pending agreement, for all the tools proposed. It also acts as a bridge with the BIC for correlative microscopy.

Mots clés

Team leader
Natacha Retailleau
Université de Bordeaux

Team member(s)

Chercheurs, Praticiens hospitaliers...

Françoise Coussen (Researcher)

Ingénieur(e)s, technicien(ne)s

