Sonia Poirault-Chassac ITA / Team Planar polarity and plasticity Neurocentre Magendie / Contact *protected email* Voir la version en français Scientific articles The core PCP protein Prickle2 regulates axon number and AIS maturation by binding to AnkG and modulating microtubule bundlingAna Dorrego-Rivas, Jerome Ezan, Maïté M. Moreau, Sonia Poirault-Chassac, Nathalie Aubailly, Julie De Neve, Camille Blanchard, Francis Castets, Amélie Fréal, Arne Battefeld, Nathalie Sans, Mireille Montcouquiol. Sci. Adv.. 2022-09-09. 8(36) 10.1126/sciadv.abo6333