Michel Engeln
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Selected publications
- Engeln M, Fox ME, Chandra R, Choi EY, Nam H, Qadir H, Thomas SS, Rhodes VM, Turner MD, Herman RJ, Calarco CA, Lobo MK (2022) Transcriptome profiling of the ventral pallidum reveals a role for pallido-thalamic neurons in cocaine reward. Molecular Psychiatry. 27(10):3980-3991.
- Engeln M*, Fox ME*, Lobo MK (2021) Housing conditions during self-administration determine motivation for cocaine in mice following chronic social defeat stress. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 238(1):41-54. *contributed equally
- Engeln M, Ahmed SH (2024) The multiple faces of footshock punishment in animal research on addiction. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Jun 27;213:107955.
- Lenoir M, Engeln M*, Navailles S, Girardeau P, Ahmed SH (2024) A large-scale c-Fos brain mapping study on extinction of cocaine-primed reinstatement. Neuropsychopharmacology. 49(9):1459-1467. *contributed equally