Aymar De Rugy
Team leader
Senior Researcher, DR2 CNRS/ Contact
+33 5 57 57 15 09
/ Address of work
INCIA - UMR 5287 - CNRS/Université de Bordeaux - Bât. BBS - 2 rue du Dr Hoffman Martinot - 33076 Bordeaux cedex

Scientific articles
Asymmetric Multi-Task Learning for Interpretable Gaze-Driven Grasping Action Forecasting
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Inform.. 2024-12-01. 28(12) : 7517-7530.
10.1109/JBHI.2024.3430810 -
Movement-Based Prosthesis Control with Angular Trajectory Is Getting Closer to Natural Arm Coordination
Biomimetics. 2024-09-04. 9(9) : 532.
10.3390/biomimetics9090532 -
Bioinspired Head-to-Shoulder Reference Frame Transformation for Movement-Based Arm Prosthesis Control
IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett.. 2024-09-01. 9(9) : 7875-7882.
10.1109/LRA.2024.3433751 -
3D-ARM-Gaze: a public dataset of 3D Arm Reaching Movements with Gaze information in virtual reality
Sci Data. 2024-08-30. 11(1)
10.1038/s41597-024-03765-4 -
Intuitive movement-based prosthesis control enables arm amputees to reach naturally in virtual reality – preprint
eLife. 2022-10-17.
10.1101/2022.10.15.22281053 -
Asymmetrical transfer of adaptation between reaching and tracking: implications for feedforward and feedback processes
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2022-09-01. 128(3) : 480-493.
10.1152/jn.00547.2021 -
Sensory substitution of elbow proprioception to improve myoelectric control of upper limb prosthesis: experiment on healthy subjects and amputees
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 2022-06-11.
10.1186/s12984-022-01038-y -
Hybrid FPGA–CPU-Based Architecture for Object Recognition in Visual Servoing of Arm Prosthesis
J. Imaging. 2022-02-12. 8(2) : 44.
10.3390/jimaging8020044 -
Competition, Conflict and Change of Mind: A Role of GABAergic Inhibition in the Primary Motor Cortex
Front. Hum. Neurosci.. 2022-01-04. 15
10.3389/fnhum.2021.736732 -
Implementation of Scale Invariant Feature Transform detector on FPGA for low‐power wearable devices for prostheses control
Int J Circ Theor Appl. 2021-05-02. 49(7) : 2255-2273.
10.1002/cta.3025 -
Shoulder kinematics plus contextual target information enable control of multiple distal joints of a simulated prosthetic arm and hand
J NeuroEngineering Rehabil. 2021-01-06. 18(1)
10.1186/s12984-020-00793-0 -
Biological Plausibility of Arm Postures Influences the Controllability of Robotic Arm Teleoperation
HUMAN FACTORS. August 18, 2020.
10.1177/0018720820941619 -
Effect of vibration characteristics and vibror arrangement on the tactile perception of the upper arm in healthy subjects and upper limb amputees.
J NeuroEngineering Rehabil. 2019-11-13. 16(1)
10.1186/s12984-019-0597-6 -
How optimal is bimanual tracking? The key role of hand coordination in space.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2019-11-06.
10.1152/jn.00119.2019 -
Reachy, a 3D-Printed Human-Like Robotic Arm as a Testbed for Human-Robot Control Strategies.
Front. Neurorobot.. 2019-08-14. 13
10.3389/fnbot.2019.00065 -
Perceptually−guided deep neural networks for ego−action prediction: Object grasping.
Pattern Recognition. 2019-04. 88 : 223-235.
10.1016/j.patcog.2018.11.013 -
FPGA-based SIFT implementation for wearable computing
2019 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits & Systems (DDECS). 2019-04-01.
10.1109/DDECS.2019.8724653 -
Task errors drive memories that improve sensorimotor adaptation
. 2019-02-01.
10.1101/538348 -
Task errors contribute to implicit aftereffects in sensorimotor adaptation.
Eur J Neurosci. 2018-11-09. 48(11) : 3397-3409.
10.1111/ejn.14213 -
Unilateral movement preparation causes task-specific modulation of TMS responses in the passive, opposite limb.
J Physiol. 2018-06-19. 596(16) : 3725-3738.
10.1113/jp275433 -
Unilateral movement preparation causes task-specific modulation of TMS responses in the passive, opposite limb
J Physiol.. 2018-04-19. 596(1) : 3725-3738.
10.1101/304410 -
Task errors contribute to implicit remapping in sensorimotor adaptation
. 2018-02-26.
10.1101/263988 -
Model and experiments to optimize co-adaptation in a simplified myoelectric control system.
J. Neural Eng.. 2018-01-30. 15(2) : 026006.
10.1088/1741-2552/aa87cf -
Distinct coordinate systems for adaptations of movement direction and extent.
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2017-11-01. 118(5) : 2670-2686.
10.1152/jn.00326.2016 -
Saliency Driven Object recognition in egocentric videos with deep CNN: Toward application in assistance to Neuroprostheses
Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2017-11-01. 164 : 82-91.
10.1016/j.cviu.2017.03.001 -
Performance and Usability of Various Robotic Arm Control Modes from Human Force Signals.
Front. Neurorobot.. 2017-10-25. 11
10.3389/fnbot.2017.00055 -
Action history influences subsequent movement via two distinct processes.
eLife. 2017-10-23. 6
10.7554/eLife.26713 -
Creating semantics in tool use
Cogn Process. 2017-02-21. 18(2) : 129-134.
10.1007/s10339-017-0795-8 -
Savings for visuomotor adaptation require prior history of error, not prior repetition of successful actions
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2016-10-01. 116(4) : 1603-1614.
10.1152/jn.01055.2015 -
Strength Training Biases Goal-Directed Aiming
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2016-09-01. 48(9) : 1835-1846.
10.1249/MSS.0000000000000956 -
Enhanced crosslimb transfer of force-field learning for dynamics that are identical in extrinsic and joint-based coordinates for both limbs
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2016-01-01. 115(1) : 445-456.
10.1152/jn.00485.2015 -
Reply to Maslovat et al
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2015-05-01. 113(9) : 3455-3456.
10.1152/jn.00154.2015 -
Anodal motor cortex stimulation paired with movement repetition increases anterograde interference but not savings
Eur J Neurosci. 2014-08-27. 40(8) : 3243-3252.
10.1111/ejn.12699 -
The early release of actions by loud sounds in muscles with distinct connectivity
Exp Brain Res. 2014-08-21. 232(12) : 3797-3802.
10.1007/s00221-014-4074-y -
New visuomotor maps are immediately available to the opposite limb
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2014-06-01. 111(11) : 2232-2243.
10.1152/jn.00042.2014 -
Corticospinal modulation induced by sounds depends on action preparedness
The Journal of Physiology. 2013-10-25. 592(1) : 153-169.
10.1113/jphysiol.2013.254581 -
Responses to loud auditory stimuli indicate that movement-related activation builds up in anticipation of action
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2013-02-15. 109(4) : 996-1008.
10.1152/jn.01119.2011 -
Prior knowledge of final testing improves sensorimotor learning through self-scheduled practice
Human Movement Science. 2013-02-01. 32(1) : 192-202.
10.1016/j.humov.2012.11.008 -
Are muscle synergies useful for neural control?
Front. Comput. Neurosci.. 2013-01-01. 7
10.3389/fncom.2013.00019 -
Different mechanisms contributing to savings and anterograde interference are impaired in Parkinson’s disease
Front. Hum. Neurosci.. 2013-01-01. 7
10.3389/fnhum.2013.00055 -
Virtual biomechanics: A new method for online reconstruction of force from EMG recordings
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2012-12-15. 108(12) : 3333-3341.
10.1152/jn.00714.2012 -
Changes in wrist muscle activity with forearm posture: Implications for the study of sensorimotor transformations
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2012-12-01. 108(11) : 2884-2895.
10.1152/jn.00130.2012 -
Muscle coordination is habitual rather than optimal
Journal of Neuroscience. 2012-05-23. 32(21) : 7384-7391.
10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5792-11.2012 -
Neural prediction of complex accelerations for object interception
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2012-02-01. 107(3) : 766-771.
10.1152/jn.00854.2011 -
Force synchrony enhances the stability of rhythmic multi-joint arm coordination
Exp Brain Res. 2011-07-07. 213(1) : 117-124.
10.1007/s00221-011-2781-1 -
Visual target separation determines the extent of generalisation between opposing visuomotor rotations
Exp Brain Res. 2011-05-12. 212(2) : 213-224.
10.1007/s00221-011-2720-1 -
A robotic apparatus that dictates torque fields around joints without affecting inherent joint dynamics
Human Movement Science. 2010-10-01. 29(5) : 701-712.
10.1016/j.humov.2010.06.004 -
Generalization of visuomotor adaptation to different muscles is less efficient: Experiment and model
Human Movement Science. 2010-10-01. 29(5) : 684-700.
10.1016/j.humov.2010.01.008 -
Changes in muscle directional tuning parallel feedforward adaptation to a visuomotor rotation
Exp Brain Res. 2010-05-09. 203(4) : 701-709.
10.1007/s00221-010-2280-9 -
Real-time error detection but not error correction drives automatic visuomotor adaptation
Exp Brain Res. 2009-10-15. 201(2) : 191-207.
10.1007/s00221-009-2025-9 -
The synergistic organization of muscle recruitment constrains visuomotor adaptation
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2009-05-01. 101(5) : 2263-2269.
10.1152/jn.90898.2008 -
Neuromuscular and biomechanical factors codetermine the solution to motor redundancy in rhythmic multijoint arm movement
Exp Brain Res. 2008-06-11. 189(4) : 421-434.
10.1007/s00221-008-1437-2 -
Stability of rhythmic visuo-motor tracking does not depend on relative velocity
Exp Brain Res. 2007-11-01. 184(2) : 269-273.
10.1007/s00221-007-1180-0 -
Postural context alters the stability of bimanual coordination by modulating the crossed excitability of corticospinal pathways
Journal of Neurophysiology. 2007-03-01. 97(3) : 2016-2023.
10.1152/jn.00868.2006 -
Influence of predominant patterns of coordination on the exploitation of interaction torques in a two-joint rhythmic arm movement
Exp Brain Res. 2006-06-09. 175(3) : 439-452.
10.1007/s00221-006-0562-z -
A neuro-mechanical model for interpersonal coordination
Biol Cybern. 2006-03-09. 94(6) : 427-443.
10.1007/s00422-006-0059-7 -
Neuromuscular-skeletal origins of predominant patterns of coordination in a rhythmic two-joint arm movement
Journal of Motor Behavior. 2006-01-01. 38(1) : 7-14.
10.3200/JMBR.38.1.7-14 -
Interaction between discrete and rhythmic movements: Reaction time and phase of discrete movement initiation during oscillatory movements
Brain Research. 2003-12-01. 994(2) : 160-174.
10.1016/j.brainres.2003.09.031 -
Actively tracking ‘passive’ stability in a ball bouncing task
Brain Research. 2003-08-01. 982(1) : 64-78.
10.1016/S0006-8993(03)02976-7 -
The learning of goal-directed locomotion: A perception-action perspective
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Section A. 2003-03-01. 56(3) : 551-567.
10.1080/02724980244000620 -
Interaction of discrete and rhythmic movements over a wide range of periods
Experimental Brain Research. 2002-11-01. 147(2) : 162-174.
10.1007/s00221-002-1219-1 -
Perception – Action coupling model for human locomotor pointing
Biological Cybernetics. 2002-08-01. 87(2) : 141-150.
10.1007/s00422-002-0325-2 -
Temporal information for spatially constrained locomotion
Exp Brain Res. 2002-07-25. 146(2) : 129-141.
10.1007/s00221-002-1155-0 -
Control of human locomotion under various task constraints
Exp Brain Res. 2002-01-29. 143(1) : 133-136.
10.1007/s00221-001-0990-8 -
Spatially constrained locomotion under informational conflict
Behavioural Brain Research. 2001-08-01. 123(1) : 11-15.
10.1016/S0166-4328(01)00185-1 -
The control of human locomotor pointing under restricted informational conditions
Neuroscience Letters. 2000-03-01. 281(2-3) : 87-90.
10.1016/S0304-3940(00)00827-2 -
The regulation of externally paced human locomotion in virtual reality
Neuroscience Letters. 1999-11-01. 275(3) : 171-174.