Amélie Aussel

Scientific articles
A dynamical computational model of theta generation in hippocampal circuits to study theta-gamma oscillations during neurostimulation
eLife. 2023-02-14.
10.7554/eLife.87356.3 -
Interacting rhythms enhance sensitivity of target detection in a fronto-parietal computational model of visual attention
eLife. 2023-01-31. 12
10.7554/eLife.67684 -
Cell to network computational model of the epileptic human hippocampus suggests specific roles of network and channel dysfunctions in the ictal and interictal oscillations
J Comput Neurosci. 2022-08-16. 50(4) : 519-535.
10.1007/s10827-022-00829-5 -
Design of Experiments and Sobol’ sensitivity analysis of a hippocampus computational model
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). 2021-11-01.
10.1109/embc46164.2021.9630725 -
Interacting rhythms enhance sensitivity of target detection in a fronto-parietal computational model of visual attention (preprint)
. 2021-02-18.
10.1101/2021.02.18.431872 -
A detailed anatomical and mathematical model of the hippocampal formation for the generation of sharp-wave ripples and theta-nested gamma oscillations
J Comput Neurosci. 2018-10-31. 45(3) : 207-221.
10.1007/s10827-018-0704-x -
Stability conditions of Hopfield ring networks with discontinuous piecewise-affine activation functions
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). 2017-12-01.