Scolarship grants by the Maison du cerveau
The Maison du Cerveau proposes to grant internship scholarships for Master 2 students.
5 scolarships are to cover the entire Master 2 fees during the 6 months of the Master’s internship in the laboratories.
La Maison du cerveau is supported in its action by the members of numerous patient associations. In turn, it intends to relay their actions to the university hospital world. The associations having privileged relations with the Brain House are: France Alzheimer, France Parkinson, Epilepsie France, Association Française des scléroses en plaques, Un arc en ciel pour les maladies de Huntington.
Please note that students who have already started their internships are eligible. The laboratories will be able to use the scholarship to refund themselves.
Eligibility criteria
- The project should be conducted by a student of Bordeaux University doing his/her internship in one of Bordeaux Neurocampus laboratories.
- The project should help our understanding of neurodegenerative brain diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease…). Students working on neurodevelopmental diseases can apply.
Application format
- The length of the project is 500 words maximum, including legend and with 1 figure max, not including the references (5 references max)
- The project can be written either in English or in French
- The project is submitted by the Master Student with the agreement of his supervisor.
Evaluation criteria
- Scientific interest of the project
- How the project can help our understanding of brain diseases
- Student’s university cursus including lab experience and mobility
- Feasibility
- Writing quality
The proposal will be evaluated by unity directors of Bordeaux Neurocampus.
The granting of the scholarship commits the student or his team to present the results* in a meeting organized by the BIND, Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders.
* conditional upon the compatibility with the principles of data and results protection implemented by the University of Bordeaux.
Submission :
Last update 27/01/21