Scholarships for Master 2 internships, by La Maison du Cerveau
Criteria of eligibility
- The project should be conducted by a student of Bordeaux University working in the field of neuroscience (but not restricted to the Bordeaux Neurocampus Laboratories).
- The project should help our understanding of brain diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Huntington’s disease…).
Application format
The application should strictly follow the format of the template, include a CV (1 page max) and a presentation of the project (500 words maximum).
Download the application form (.doc)
- The length of the project is 500 words maximum (strict), including legend and with 1 figure max, not including the references (5 references max)
- The project can be written either in English or in French
- The project is submitted by the Master Student
Evaluation criteria :
- Scientific interest of the project
- How the project could help our understanding of brain diseases
- Student’s university cursus including lab experience and mobility
- Feasibility
- Writing quality
Deadline for submission : 14/02/2019.
The proposal will be evaluated by members of the Bordeaux Neurocampus steering committee.
The granting of the scholarship commits the student or his team to present the results in a meeting organized by the BIND, Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders, during the fall of 2019.
Proposals should be send by email to
For any further question please contact:
Publication: 15/01/19
Last update 07/02/19
Last update 07/02/19