Shi-Wei Chu
Taiwain University
Professeur invité IDEX au LP2N en juillet – août 2019
Invited by Grégory Giannone – IINS
Since the days of Louis Ranvier, optical microscopy has been a vital tool for physiology, and neuroscientists have accumulated significant amount of information on structures and functions of isolated neurons. However, to understand the emergent properties of a brain, functional observation of complicated neuronal networks is necessary, leading to the request of volumetric imaging with high speed, deep penetration, and dendritic level resolution. In this seminar, I report our recent progresses on drosophila brain imaging, including all-optical physiology platform based on a 100-kHz tunable acoustic lens, three-photon imaging penetrating through a living drosophila brain, and world-record 20-nm resolution across a whole brain.