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Séminaire – Jaime de la Rocha

14 October 2022 / 11:30 - 12:30

Venue: Centre Broca

Jaime de la Rocha
Group Leader at IDIBAPS
Barcelona, Spain
Lab: www.braincircuitsbehavior.org
Community: www.barccsyn.org

Invited by Alexis Dubreuil
Team: Mallet/Leblois, IMN


The dynamics of evidence accumulation in expectation-guided perceptual decisions.


Perceptual decisions require the integration of multiple sources of information over multiple time-scales. Ambiguous stimuli which vary in time require for instance fast accumulation of evidence, a process largely studied but whose underlying mechanisms remain largely debated. Prior experiences on the other hand, also impact the way we perceive the world by creating expectations, a reference frame that can guide future decisions. Where in the brain these expectations are generated and where they are projected onto the space of possible decisions, it still unknown. In this talk I will present data from rats performing two-alternative categorization tasks, which require temporal integration within or/and across trials. First, I will show that rats can leverage in across-trial correlations and consistently develop a tendency to repeat or alternate their previous response using an internal estimate of the sequence repeating probability. Second, I will show that the timing and the orienting trajectory of their responses can be qualitatively explained by a novel model which, building on the standard accumulation to evidence models, incorporates proactive responses whose trajectories can be updated as the stimulus information reaches the decision bounds. Finally, using this behavioral model, pharmacological and optogenetic manipulations as well as electrophysiological recordings, I will characterize the critical role of the associative striatum in this behavior. Together, these results reveal that the accumulation of evidence across trials can exhibit complex dynamics and that the striatum plays a critical role in encoding this evidence and the choice biases it causes.

Key publications

Isolating perceptual biases caused by trial history during auditory categorization
Daniel Duque and Jaime de la Rocha
BioRxiv 2022.01.17.476581; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.17.476581

Proactive and reactive accumulation-to-bound processes compete during perceptual decisions
Lluís Hernández-Navarro, Ainhoa Hermoso-Mendizabal, Daniel Duque, Jaime de la Rocha*, Alexandre Hyafil* (* equal contribution)
Nature Communictions, 12(1), 1-15. 2021.

Flexible categorization in perceptual decision making
Genís Prat-Ortega, Klaus Wimmer, Alex Roxin* and  Jaime de la Rocha* (*equal contribution)
Nature Communications 12, 1283, 2021.

Ecologically pre-trained RNNs explain suboptimal animal decisions
Manuel Molano-Manzón, Yuxiu Shao, Daniel Duque, Guangyu Robert Yang, Srdjan Ostojic and Jaime de la Rocha
BioRxiv. 2022 Jan 1:2021-05.

Response outcomes gate the impact of expectations on perceptual decisions
Ainhoa Hermoso-Mendizabal*, Alexandre Hyafil*, Pavel E. Rueda-Orozco, Santiago Jaramillo, David Robbe, Jaime de la Rocha (*equal contribution)
Nature Communications 11, 1057, 2020



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14 October 2022
11:30 - 12:30
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