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SBM Career seminar – Treefrog

20 March 2024 / 17:00 - 18:30

Venue: Salle de réunion Sud, bâtiment BBS, Campus Carreire.

For their 9th career seminar about “R&D in the private sector”, the group SBM’s Young (students of the Department “Sciences biologiques et médicales”) has the pleasure to welcome Kévin Alessandri, Lucia Espinoza and Nadège Pujol, who are respectively co-founder, scientist and technician at TreeFrog Therapeutics.

TreeFrog Therapeutics is a biotech company based in Bordeaux that aims to unlock cell therapies for millions of patients suffering from Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease for example.

The speakers will present to you their academic and professionnal background, as well as their curent position.

Between each presentation, time will be dedicated to questions so that each speaker can share their experience and advices to students.

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20 March 2024
17:00 - 18:30
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