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Monthly conference (PhD seminar series) – Laurent Bourdieu

6 September 2019 / 11:30

Venue: Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Laurent Bourdieu
Institut de Biologie de l’école normale supérieure – Paris

Invited by Bordeaux Neurocampus and NBA

Selected publications

Fast confocal fluorescence imaging in freely behaving mice
Clara Dussaux, Vivien Szabo, Yan Chastagnier, Jozsua Fodor, Jean-François Léger, Laurent Bourdieu, Julie Perroy, Cathie Ventalon, 2018 , Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 16262

Focusing ligth through dynamical samples using fast continuous wavefront optimization
B. Blochet, L. Bourdieu, S. Gigan, Optics Letters, 2017, 42:4994-4997.

A radial map of multi-whisker correlation selectivity in the rat barrel cortex
L. Estebanez, J. Bertherat, D. E. Shulz, L. Bourdieu, J.-F. Léger
Nat Commun. 2016;7:13528. doi: 10.1038/ncomms13528.

Fast spatial beam shaping by acousto-optic diffraction for 3D non-linear microscopy.
W. Akemann, J.-F. Léger, C. Ventalon, B. Mathieu, S. Dieudonné, L. Bourdieu
Opt. Exp. 2015(22); 23:28191-28205

Characterization of the angular memory effect of scattered light in biological tissues.
S. Schott, J. Bertolotti, J.F. Léger, L. Bourdieu, S. Gigan,
Opt. Exp. 2015(10); 23:13505-13516

Spatially Selective Holographic Photoactivation and Functional Fluorescence Imaging in Freely Behaving Mice with a Fiberscope.
V. Szabo*, C. Ventalon*, V. De Sars, J. Bradley, V. Emiliani,
Neuron. 2014; 84(6):1157–1169

Late emergence of the vibrissa direction selectivity map in the rat barrel cortex.
Kremer Y, Léger JF, Goodman D, Brette R, Bourdieu L.
J Neurosci. 2011; 31(29):10689-700.

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6 September 2019
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