The “Robotics & Neurosciences” working group (GT8) of the Robotique GDR is organizing an autumn day in Bordeaux. The objective is to bring together roboticians, modelers (computational neurosciences, AI, machine learning) and experimenters (neurobiology, as well as cognitive sciences in general) in order to promote exchanges and collaborations.
Venue: Enseirb, in Bordeaux.
This day will be organized around a series of oral presentations by invited researchers, as well as short oral presentations and posters of participants.
There are still available spots for oral presentations!
Free but mandatory registration (deadline: Wednesday 20 November) on
Information updated regularly at:
Invited talks:
* Olivier Ly (Rhoban team, Labri, Bordeaux, FR)
* Clément Moulin-Frier (Flowers team, Inria Bordeaux, FR)
* Nicolas Navarro Guerrero (Dep. of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark)
* Bhargav Teja Nallapu (Mnemosyne team, Inria Bordeaux, FR)