Venue: Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine
Access: 14 rue Eugène Jacquet
The goal of this scientific day is to present a comprehensive overview of all the Bordeaux laboratories that are dedicated to human neuroimaging. It will cover the cognitive, clinical, and methodological aspects of research on the human brain, emphasizing a common approach: neuroimaging.
Registration and submission:
The registration is free but mandatory
Participation in this conference is possible through a written or oral presentation.
Abstract submission
Deadline: 02/02/2024
Scientific committee:
- Sandra Chanraud (INCIA)
- Gael Jobard (IMN)
- Hervé Lemaître (IMN)
- Emmanuel Mellet (IMN)
- Sylvain Miraux (RMSB)
- Thomas Tourdias (Neurocentre Magendie)
- Laure Zago (IMN)
Hervé Lemaître (IMN)