TAA Young Investigator Award
Ends on 11 December 2021
Request for Applications
The Tourette Association of America (TAA) aims to encourage early career researchers to invest their efforts and expertise in increasing our biological understanding of Tourette Syndrome (TS), pursing clinical research aimed at improving patient care, and developing and testing new therapies.
2021/2022 Deadlines:
Pre-proposal due December 11, 2021
Full-proposal due February 1, 2022
- The award is open to post-doctoral fellows, and independent clinical/research faculty members within 5 years of their first independent faculty appointment at the time of pre-proposal application submission.
- Investigators are required to have an advanced degree such as a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent.
- Investigators outside the U.S. are welcome to apply.
- Investigators cannot have received previous early career funding support from the Tourette Association.
- Applications must include a career development component as well as an independent research project.