SFARI – Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes RFA

Ends on 12 September 2024

The Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes RFA aims to bridge the gap in our understanding of whether and how developmental phenotypes caused by autism risk gene mutation lead to altered circuit formation and function. We strongly encourage proposals involving close collaboration between investigators of diverse expertise, such as developmental neurobiologists and circuit neuroscientists, in order to convincingly demonstrate causal links between disparate phenotypes in the chosen model(s).

Applicants may request up to $300,000 per lab with a maximum total annual budget of $900,000, inclusive of 20 percent indirect costs, over a period of three (3) to four (4) years. To allow potential applicants sufficient time to identify appropriate collaborators and conceptualize their projects, we are publishing this RFA call now; we will begin accepting applications on June 11, 2024.

More details 

Website: https://www.sfari.org/grant/linking-early-neurodevelopment-to-neural-circuit-outcomes-rfa