National MS Society: RFA “Elucidating the Role of Viruses in Initiating and Driving Pathologies in Multiple Sclerosis”
The National MS Society is pleased to announce the release of a new Request for Applications focusing on Elucidating the Role of Viruses in Initiating and Driving Pathologies in Multiple Sclerosis intended to support research that advances our Pathways to Cures Roadmap.
This RFA is open to not-for-profit academic research institutions worldwide. Collaborations with commercial organizations are allowed.
Purpose of this RFA
This concept proposes to use a Request for Applications funding mechanism to solicit pilot research proposals that address Pathways to Cures by exploring the interplay between viruses and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Of particular interest is defining mechanisms through which viruses may contribute to the initiation or course of disease pathologies in people with MS. The pilot mechanism is intended to support the generation of preliminary data, feasibility studies, and tool development to position the recipient to successfully apply for future longer-term funding of novel and impactful research in this area. Full studies that can be completed within the pilot budget and timeframe are also welcome.
This initiative will support pilot projects that:
- Address knowledge gaps around how viruses can lead to the initiation of MS
- Study how viral infections and antiviral responses exacerbate autoimmune responses in MS