Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience

Ends on 1 September 2023

General Information:

Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience is a non-profit organization established on October 1, 1992 with funds donated by the late Mr. Masakane Mizutani, former Emeritus Chairman of Seikagaku Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. The objective of the Foundation is to promote world-wide progress in glycoscience. In accordance with this objective, the Foundation provides research grants to outstanding proposals for basic and applied studies on glycoconjugate in the fields of organic chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cellular biology and medical sciences.


The applicant (principal investigator) must 1) have a doctor’s degree or its equivalent in a field relevant to the proposed project, 2) have a documented capability of performing independent studies, 3) be a member of a scientific institution (applicant organization) where he or she can carry out the proposed study and 4) have not been awarded the Mizutani grant between 2019 and 2023(the grantee may re-apply after a period of five years.)

More details

Website: https://www.mizutanifdn.or.jp/grant/apply.html