LMU-Bordeaux joint grant
In October 2019 the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München and the University of Bordeaux (UBx) decided to extend and deepen their collaboration by establishing the Bordeaux-LMU Research Cooperation Program.
The aim of this program is to support and promote innovative research across disciplines, bring together senior and young researcher, and exchange scientists.
In line with these goals, the Bordeaux-LMU Research Cooperation Program will support 3 types of activities:
1. Research Visits
Scientists from both universities can be exchanged in order to conduct research. Especially young researchers and PhD students should be encouraged to take part in this exchange.
2. Research Projects
LMU and UBx researchers affiliated with each institution (Principal Investigators, ‘PIs’) are invited to jointly submit research proposals for the development of collaborative research projects.
3. Workshops / Conferences
LMU and UB faculty members are invited to submit joint proposals for one or a series of workshops and/or conferences and to jointly publish their research results.
Required documents
How to apply
Please send all the required documents (Application form, Budget, CV of Bordeaux PI, CV of LMU PI, Invitation letter (for mobility projects), Letter of support by PhD advisor (for PhD mobility)) to the two administrative coordinators from UBx and LMU.Call open from September 10th until November 1st
Amélie Saunois
International office Bordeaux
+33 5 40 00 38 79
Contacter par courriel
Lucy Schulz
International Office München
+49 (0) 89 2180 2379
Contacter par courriel