IBRO Early Career Awards
IBRO is deeply committed to enabling neuroscientists to develop their research without being disadvantaged due to gender, ethnicity, disability, class, and/or other factors. Equity and diversity are crucial to producing the best research in academia. The need to close gaps due to underrepresentation, gender roles and stereotypes that bias the full career development of women and underrepresented communities is fundamental to achieving a more just society.
This award therefore aims to support disadvantaged young early career principal investigators by providing supplementary funding. Applicants must have started their first independent research laboratory within the last 5 years. Applicants are invited to specify how this award will help them overcome barriers and progress their work. Some examples of support include purchase of research equipment, laboratory reagents, software licences, publication fees, importation taxes or childcare. Applications need not, however, be restricted to this list and we welcome other cases for support.
Priority will be given to early career neuroscientists belonging to underrepresented or historically excluded groups in the field. Examples of such groups include, but are not limited to, ethnic minorities, women, working class researchers, transgender researchers and researchers with disabilities. Reviewers will base their decision on the potential for funds to open up new opportunities for the applicant’s research. Reviewers will also consider factors contributing to adversity experienced by the applicant and the applicant’s involvement in neuroscience research.
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