ALS Association’s Seed Grants 2022
The ALS Association Global Research Program leads the scientific community in finding effective treatments and cure for ALS, and a better life for people with ALS, their caregivers, and families. The ALS Association is the largest private philanthropic funder of ALS research worldwide, and our efforts have led to some of the most promising and significant advances in ALS research.
The ALS Association’s Seed Grant program seeks to fund research with a strong scientific rationale and potential for significant impact in ALS but limited preliminary data. These 1-year awards with a maximum budget of $50,000 should be used to gather preliminary data that will support future applications to larger grant award programs.
Topics of interest:
– Drug target identification
– Biomarkers
– Prevention researchClinical tools and techniques
– Big data approachesAssistive technology
– Studies to document and reduce the harms of ALS on caregivers and families of people with ALS
– Any other proposal with the potential to significantly improve the lives of those impacted by this disease
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