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Pubertal maturation and sex effects on the default-mode network connectivity implicated in mood dysregulation.
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Anosognosia for Hemiplegia as a tripartite disconnection syndrome.
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Functional identity of hypothalamic melanocortin neurons depends on Tbx3.
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Inflammation and Depression: A Nervous Plea for Psychiatry to Not Become Immune to Interpretation.
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An information-theoretic perspective on the costs of cognition.
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Acute toxic limbic encephalopathy following glyphosate intoxication.
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White-matter-nulled MPRAGE at 7T reveals thalamic lesions and atrophy of specific thalamic nuclei in multiple sclerosis.
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The Cortical Neuroimmune Regulator TANK Affects Emotional Processing and Enhances Alcohol Drinking: A Translational Study..
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The 10-year findings from the FondaMental Academic Center of Expertise for Schizophrenia (FACE-SZ): Review and recommendations for clinical practice,Centres Experts Schizophrénie, un outil pour le soin et la recherche : retour sur 10 ans d’expérience.
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Task errors drive memories that improve sensorimotor adaptation.
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Sustained corticosterone rise in the prefrontal cortex is a key factor for chronic stress-induced working memory deficits in mice.
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Subjective and physiological response to emotions in temporal lobe epilepsy and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
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Prospective memory in narcolepsy type 1 patients.
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Optimization of insulin regimen and glucose outcomes with short-term real-time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) in type 1 diabetic children with sub-optimal glucose control on multiple daily injections: The pediatric DIACCOR study..
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Mitochondrial Dynamin-Related Protein 1 (DRP1) translocation in response to cerebral glucose is impaired in a rat model of early alteration in hypothalamic glucose sensing..
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Inflammatory DEpression Advances in Schizophrenia (IDEAS): A precision medicine approach of the national FACE-SZ cohort.
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Impact of drug consumption rooms on risk practices and access to care in people who inject drugs in France: The COSINUS prospective cohort study protocol.
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Dopamine transporter imaging for the diagnosis of multiple system atrophy cerebellar type..
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Dietary n-3 long chain PUFA supplementation promotes a pro-resolving oxylipin profile in the brain.
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Contribution of routine cardiac biological markers to the etiological workup of ischemic stroke.
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Contribution of lesion studies to the neuroscience to creativity,Contribution des études lésionnelles aux neurosciences de la créativité.
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Cognitive task avoidance correlates with fatigue-induced performance decrement but not with subjective fatigue.
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Clinical characteristics of obstructive sleep apnea in bipolar disorders.
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Bundle-specific tractography with incorporated anatomical and orientational priors.
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Antagonism of μ-opioid receptors reduces sensation seeking-like behavior in mice.
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An information-theoretic perspective on the costs of cognition.
Alexandre Zénon, Oleg Solopchuk, Giovanni Pezzulo
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Acquisition of analgesic properties by the cholecystokinin (CCK)/CCK2 receptor system within the amygdala in a persistent inflammatory pain condition..
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A multi-dimensional approach to the relationship between insight and aggressiveness in schizophrenia: Findings from the FACE-SZ cohort.
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[Only good therapeutic strategies! Response to the letter about the special issue: “All the truth about benzodiapzépines”]..
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“Artificial intelligence”: Which services, which applications, which results and which development today in clinical research? Which impact on the quality of care? Which recommendations?.
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“Artificial intelligence”: Which services, which applications, which results and which development today in clinical research? Which impact on the quality of care? Which recommendations?,« Intelligence artificielle » : quels services, quelles applications, quels résultats et quelle valorisation aujourd’hui en recherche clinique ? Quel impact sur la qualité des soins ? Quelles recommandations ?.
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Development of a standardized evaluation of endobuccal adverse events induced by repeated tongue protrusion with both a dedicated questionnaire and an endobuccal examination.
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Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits.
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Subcortical Anatomy of the Default Mode Network: a functional and structural connectivity study: Supplementary material, table 1.
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A Versatile and Open-Source Rapid LED Switching System for One-Photon Imaging and Photo-Activation.
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Comparison of the binding of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRP-R) antagonist 68Ga-RM2 and 18F-FDG in breast cancer samples.
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