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Why do sleep disorders belong to mental disorder classifications? A network analysis of the “Sleep-Wake Disorders” section of the DSM-5.
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Functional heterogeneity of POMC neurons relies on mTORC1 signaling.
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Endovascular Therapy of Anterior Circulation Tandem Occlusions: Pooled Analysis From the TITAN and ETIS Registries..
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Effective connectivity extracts clinically relevant prognostic information from resting state activity in stroke.
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Correction: Clinical, neuropathological, and genetic characterization of STUB1 variants in cerebellar ataxias: a frequent cause of predominant cognitive impairment.
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Conscious awareness of motor fluidity improves performance and decreases cognitive effort in sequence learning..
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Clinical, neuropathological, and genetic characterization of STUB1 variants in cerebellar ataxias: a frequent cause of predominant cognitive impairment (vol 22, pg 1851, 2020).
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Biomarkers in diabetes mellitus: contributions and discrepancies of new technologies. A case report.
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A novel stroke lesion network mapping approach: improved accuracy yet still low deficit prediction.
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Management of panic disorder in the elderly..
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Role of regulatory C‐terminal motifs in synaptic confinement of LRRTM2.
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Embolization as adjunctive treatment to achieve complete cure of ruptured arachnoid cyst associated with chronic subdural hematoma..
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The age-related positivity effect: forgetting the negative and/or remembering the positive? An inter-task study..
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Missing links: the functional unification of language and memory (L∪M).
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High-resolution imaging and manipulation of endogenous AMPA receptor surface mobility during synaptic plasticity and learning.
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Smartphone‐based virtual agents and insomnia management: A proof‐of‐concept study for new methods of autonomous screening and management of insomnia symptoms in the general population.
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Smartphone-based virtual agents and insomnia management: A proof-of-concept study for new methods of autonomous screening and management of insomnia symptoms in the general population.
Lucile Dupuy, Charles M. Morin, Etienne de Sevin, Jacques Taillard, Nathalie Salles, Stéphanie Bioulac, Marc Auriacombe, Jean‐Arthur Micoulaud‐Franchi, Pierre Philip
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Wolframin-1-expressing neurons in the entorhinal cortex propagate tau to CA1 neurons and impair hippocampal memory in mice..
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The temporal origin of dentate granule neurons dictates their role in spatial memory.
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Factors associated with the acceptance of a virtual companion providing screening and advices for sleep problems during COVID-19 crisis.
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Binge-Like Alcohol Exposure in Adolescence: Behavioural, Neuroendocrine and Molecular Evidence of Abnormal Neuroplasticity… and Return.
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The vSNAREs VAMP2 and VAMP4 control recycling and intracellular sorting of post-synaptic receptors in neuronal dendrites.
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