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Preserved time but altered numerosity processing in epileptic patients with postoperative lesion in the inferior frontal gyrus.
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Neuromodulation Treatments of Pathological Anxiety in Anxiety Disorders, Stressor-Related Disorders, and Major Depressive Disorder: A Dimensional Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Recovery of neural dynamics criticality in personalized whole-brain models of stroke.
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Altered functional brain states predict cognitive decline 5 years after a clinically isolated syndrome.
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A synaptomic analysis reveals dopamine hub synapses in the mouse striatum.
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Large-scale brain correlates of sweet versus cocaine reward in rats.
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Genomic Studies Across the Lifespan Point to Early Mechanisms Determining Subcortical Volumes.
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Direct medical cost of bipolar disorder: Insights from the FACE-BD longitudinal cohort..
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Developing and maintaining a nose-to-brain map of odorant identity..
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Chronotype, Longitudinal Volumetric Brain Variations Throughout Adolescence and Depressive Symptom Development.
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Editorial: Methods and Tools for Bioimage Analysis.
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Selective endocytosis of Ca2+-permeable AMPARs by the Alzheimer’s disease risk factor CALM bidirectionally controls synaptic plasticity.
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Selective endocytosis of Ca 2+ -permeable AMPARs by the Alzheimer’s disease risk factor CALM bidirectionally controls synaptic plasticity.
Domenico Azarnia Tehran, Gaga Kochlamazashvili, Niccolò P. Pampaloni, Silvia Sposini, Jasmeet Kaur Shergill, Martin Lehmann, Natalya Pashkova, Claudia Schmidt, Delia Löwe, Hanna Napieczynska, Arnd Heuser, Andrew J. R. Plested, David Perrais, Robert C. Piper, Volker Haucke, Tanja Maritzen
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Neuron-Specific Deletion of Scrib in Mice Leads to Neuroanatomical and Locomotor Deficits.
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Preventive Effects of Baclofen but Not Diazepam on Hippocampal Memory and Glucocorticoid Alterations After Prolonged Alcohol Withdrawal in Mice.
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SEMA6B variants cause intellectual disability and alter dendritic spine density and axon guidance.
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