Immunocytochemical identification of neural elements in the central nervous systems of a snail, some insects, a fish, and a mammal with an antiserum to the molluscan cardio-excitatory tetrapeptide FMRF-amide

H.H. Boer, L.P.C. Schot, J.A. Veenstra, Dagmar Reichelt
Cell Tissue Res.. 1980-12-01; 213(1):
DOI: 10.1007/BF00236917

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1. Cell Tissue Res. 1980;213(1):21-7.

Immunocytochemical identification of neural elements in the central nervous
systems of a snail, some insects, a fish, and a mammal with an antiserum to the
molluscan cardio-excitatory tetrapeptide FMRF-amide.

Boer HH, Schot LP, Veenstra JA, Reichelt D.

With an antiserum to the molluscan cardio-excitatory tetrapeptide FMRF-amide
neurons and/or nerve fibers were immunocytochemically identified in the central
nervous systems of a snail (Lymnaea stagnalis), some insects (Leptinotarsa
decemlineata, Periplaneta americana, Locusta migratoria, Pieris brassicae), a
fish (Poecilia latipinna) and a mammal (mouse). The fact that immunoreactive
material was observed in neurohaemal organs (corpora cardiaca of the insects) as
well as in axon terminals ending on other neurons, seems to indicate that this
peptide can function as a neurohormone and/or as a neurotransmitter. The results
sustain the hypothesis that biologically active peptides have a wide distribution
in the animal kingdom.

DOI: 10.1007/BF00236917
PMID: 7006829 [Indexed for MEDLINE]

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