GATE: A simulation toolkit for PET and SPECT
Phys. Med. Biol.. 2004-09-10; 49(19): 4543-4561
DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/49/19/007
Read on PubMed
1. Phys Med Biol. 2004 Oct 7;49(19):4543-61.
GATE: a simulation toolkit for PET and SPECT.
Jan S(1), Santin G, Strul D, Staelens S, Assié K, Autret D, Avner S, Barbier R,
Bardiès M, Bloomfield PM, Brasse D, Breton V, Bruyndonckx P, Buvat I,
Chatziioannou AF, Choi Y, Chung YH, Comtat C, Donnarieix D, Ferrer L, Glick SJ,
Groiselle CJ, Guez D, Honore PF, Kerhoas-Cavata S, Kirov AS, Kohli V, Koole M,
Krieguer M, van der Laan DJ, Lamare F, Largeron G, Lartizien C, Lazaro D, Maas
MC, Maigne L, Mayet F, Melot F, Merheb C, Pennacchio E, Perez J, Pietrzyk U,
Rannou FR, Rey M, Schaart DR, Schmidtlein CR, Simon L, Song TY, Vieira JM,
Visvikis D, Van de Walle R, Wieërs E, Morel C.
Author information:
(1)Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot, CEA, F-91401 Orsay, France.
Monte Carlo simulation is an essential tool in emission tomography that can
assist in the design of new medical imaging devices, the optimization of
acquisition protocols and the development or assessment of image reconstruction
algorithms and correction techniques. GATE, the Geant4 Application for
Tomographic Emission, encapsulates the Geant4 libraries to achieve a modular,
versatile, scripted simulation toolkit adapted to the field of nuclear medicine.
In particular, GATE allows the description of time-dependent phenomena such as
source or detector movement, and source decay kinetics. This feature makes it
possible to simulate time curves under realistic acquisition conditions and to
test dynamic reconstruction algorithms. This paper gives a detailed description
of the design and development of GATE by the OpenGATE collaboration, whose
continuing objective is to improve, document and validate GATE by simulating
commercially available imaging systems for PET and SPECT. Large effort is also
invested in the ability and the flexibility to model novel detection systems or
systems still under design. A public release of GATE licensed under the GNU
Lesser General Public License can be downloaded at http:/
Two benchmarks developed for PET and SPECT to test the installation of GATE and
to serve as a tutorial for the users are presented. Extensive validation of the
GATE simulation platform has been started, comparing simulations and measurements
on commercially available acquisition systems. References to those results are
listed. The future prospects towards the gridification of GATE and its extension
to other domains such as dosimetry are also discussed.
DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/49/19/007
PMCID: PMC3267383
PMID: 15552416 [Indexed for MEDLINE]