Accuracies and Contrasts of Models of the Diffusion-Weighted-Dependent Attenuation of the MRI Signal at Intermediate b-values

Renaud Nicolas, Igor Sibon, Bassem Hiba
Magn Reson�Insights. 2015-01-01; 8: MRI.S25301
DOI: 10.4137/MRI.S25301

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The diffusion-weighted-dependent attenuation of the MRI signal E( b) is extremely sensitive to microstructural features. The aim of this study was to determine which mathematical model of the E( b) signal most accurately describes it in the brain. The models compared were the monoexponential model, the stretched exponential model, the truncated cumulant expansion (TCE) model, the biexponential model, and the triexponential model. Acquisition was performed with nine b-values up to 2500 s/mm2 in 12 healthy volunteers. The goodness-of-fit was studied with F-tests and with the Akaike information criterion. Tissue contrasts were differentiated with a multiple comparison corrected nonparametric analysis of variance. F-test showed that the TCE model was better than the biexponential model in gray and white matter. Corrected Akaike information criterion showed that the TCE model has the best accuracy and produced the most reliable contrasts in white matter among all models studied. In conclusion, the TCE model was found to be the best model to infer the microstructural properties of brain tissue.

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