NutriBrain is a structure of technologic and scientific transfert specialized in Nutrition and Neurosciences.
Our goal is to demonstrate the impact of nutrition on cerebral sphere, focusing on cerebral “well-being”. We study the impact of nutrients on brain functions, development of mood disorders (anxiety, depression, well-being,…) and cognitive ability
Mission :
Offer to industrials tools to study functional impact of their nutrients and highlight their products
- Elaboration of research project in partnership
- Setting up of project
- Provision of services
NutriBrain structure works in collaboration with NutriNeurO laboratory, expert in nutrition impact on brain and headed by Dr. Sophie Layé. This interaction with a renowned laboratory expert in nutrition and neurosciences leads us to offer to our partner:
- Specialist expertises
- High level scientific studies with state-of-the-art technologies
- Cross-disciplinary approaches based on pre-clinical and clinical studies from rodent to human models
Nutribrain, transfert structure is dealed by ADERA.